There are a lot of things about Briar that I love, but tonight she’s making me fall in love with the girl we met so long ago all over again.
The girl that kept the secrets of the horrible things she’d been through at the hands of these fucking cowards. The princess that had every fucking right to cry and hate the world and never smile because of everything she’s been through, yet somehow managed to find it inside of herself to smile for us because she let us in.
The look of pure shock and disgust on her father’s face when we walk into the dining room is priceless. Oh, I’m certain he expected to see Briar at some point, given this is where she lives, but not now. And not with us behind her.
“What are you doing here? You should know better than to bring company home. After everything I warned you of!” Robert spits out, standing from his chair at the head of the table, but she just laughs.
“You warned me. About what, Daddy? That I shouldn’t tell anyone the special ways you’ve touched me over the years?” His face turns red as she continues stepping toward him. “Or about all the bruises you leave on me when I don’t do exactly as you say?”
Dylan and I watch as he sputters, opening and closing his mouth before he lunges for our girl. She’s prepared though, pulling out the knife she’d opened behind her back before we walked into the room.
Her hand flies out, slamming the knife into his gut, and he makes a strangled sound before falling to his knees. She pulls the knife out of him as he falls, causing him to scream a bit from the pain as they all watch her in horror.
“I’m sick of the threats, Daddy. I warned you I would kill you all one day,” she says with a dark smile on her face.
Dylan is a little pale beside me, but he never looks at her in disgust like I feared he might. If I’m being truthful, I was worried he’d look at Briar and me both differently after tonight, but I don’t think that’s going to be a problem.
Not after his promise to help her hunt demons down for the rest of our lives. He loves her too much to stop her from becoming who she needs to be in order to survive the shit we’re going to hear all about.
“Br—” She slaps him across the face before he can say her name, and I smile. Goddamn, she’s beautiful like this.
“You don’t get to say my name, you sick, perverted fuck!” she screams, kicking him in the gut where her knife went in, and he screams in pain, falling onto his back.
The other idiots seem to snap out of their stupor, pushing their chairs back and making a move to run. Dylan and I move until we’re shoulder to shoulder, blocking them in.
“Sorry, boys, but this is for you as well.” I shrug, a huge smile taking over my face as I pull the pistol from my pocket.
It’s a hand-held tranquilizer gun that Dylan invented himself by taking a bunch of different blueprints, breaking them apart piece by piece, and redesigning them to create his very own version. They freeze in panic at the sight of the gun in my hand, thinking it’s a normal pistol, and it gives me the opening I need.
I quickly add a dart to the end and shoot it into the first guy’s heart, watching him drop almost instantly from paralysis. The toxin won’t kill them, but it will paralyze them just long enough for them to die in the fire, then all traces of it will evaporate from the heat of the flames.
The princess has been planning this a long time, and with mine and Dylan’s help, she’ll get away with it with no one ever knowing the truth about what happened behind these doors. Both in the past, and now, because we will take it to our graves.
When we leave here tonight, we will head back to our house on foot. Our parents are currently on vacation, so we have the house to ourselves. We can clean up and continue on with the perfect alibis. When Briar gets the news that her father has died in a house fire, she’ll claim that she was asleep at our place.
These other three assholes will be dragged to different places, making it look like they tried to run, but by the time the fire reached them, they were too late and died of smoke inhalation… which is exactly how they will die.
The other two try to make a run for it, lunging for us before Briar’s giggle freezes them in their spot.
“That’s such a silly look on you, Daddy. I thought you were supposed to be this powerful man.” She shakes her head, tsking at Robert as she lifts her knife, and hits him across the head to knock him unconscious.
“You okay, Brie?” Dylan checks in with her, still keeping his eyes on the idiots staring at our girl.
“Can you paralyze them now? Maybe shoot them in the dick. That’ll at least cause them a little pain,” she sighs.
I smirk and do exactly as she says, shooting another dart into the one’s dick so he’s screaming like a little bitch. Guy three reaches me, but Dylan lands a solid punch to his jaw, giving me enough time to manually stab another dart into the guy’s neck. Shame he didn’t get one in the dick too.
“That was pathetic,” the princess pouts over her father’s limp body.
“Dev, go help her tie that bastard to the chair,” Dylan says, slapping me on the shoulder as he looks at Brie before looking down at the guys spread around our feet. “I’ll move these fuckers to make sure they all watch the show, since it will be them that will end up being blamed for the murder.”
Briar claps her hands, giggling in excitement. “Yes! I’m so excited!” She’s bouncing on her toes when I reach her, pulling her into a kiss that rocks me to my core.
The taste of revenge and lust is heavy between us, and I’m hard as a rock, with bloodlust thrumming through my veins. “So fucking sexy,” I whisper when I pull back, tapping her ass before hauling the worthless piece of shit that is her father up off the floor and onto his chair by the table.
“Dylan,” the princess says his name sweetly, and he drops the idiot he was dragging before walking over to her.
I watch as he cups her face in his hands, searching her eyes before laying his forehead against hers and breathing deeply.