Page 13 of Beautiful Revenge

Age Sixteen (Briar is Fourteen)…

Goddamn,I’ve been craving this for so fucking long, and it’s finally here. She’s finally ready to accept the love that Dylan and I have for her, and it’s the best thing I’ve ever felt.

Pushing her against the wall, I move my hands into her hair, kissing her deeper and harder until she’s opening her mouth to me on a moan, and fuck if that doesn’t go straight to my dick.

I pull away, breaking the kiss as we both breathe heavy. She’s flushed, and it’s adorable as fuck. I’d kiss her again if my head wasn’t so fucked up right now.

I’m feeling more things in this moment than I think I have in my entire goddamn life.

She confessed some of the shit she’s been through, and I know my girl well enough to know we’ll most likely never know the dirty details. Truthfully, I’m not sure Dylan and I could handle them, anyway.

Just knowing she’s been raped and assaulted by her fucking father and his friends is enough to have Dylan ready to become the world’s best hacker. I have no doubt my brother will learn anything and everything he can in order to help her.

While he’s doing his nerd shit, I’m ready to stroll right into that house with her and draw blood. I finally have a way to release my anger, and it’s helping her to kill them all.

I’ve known my princess for a long fucking time, and her saying she’s going to kill them all… She is one hundred percent serious, and I can’t help but be hard over it. Just the idea of her seeking vengeance for what they’ve done to her and knowing she’ll be covered in their blood is hot as fuck.

“Uh, Dev?” she whispers to me, drawing me out of the perfect image of my princess covered in enemy blood.

I cough, trying to get my head straight so my dick might follow. Not that the horny bastard ever listens. I’ve long since stopped picturing anyone but Briar when I get off because she’s all I see. And now it’s not creepy to think of her that way… not really, anyway.

“Yeah, princess?” I ask, smirking down at her, and she rolls her eyes. God, I love her sass.

“You spaced out,” she says, giving me a smirk of her own.

I smile at her, deciding to tell her the other thing that’s on my mind. “I was thinking about how cute you are when you’re jealous.”

Dylan makes a choked, laughing sound as she narrows her eyes at me. “Pushing it, Dev,” she snarks.

I can’t believe she thinks either of us would ever see anyone other than her. From the moment she came into our lives, we knew she was someone special. I don’t let many people touch me because I don’t feel the need for that kind of connection, but the day she held my hand when I was ten years old, that changed.

“Sorry, princess. It’s just adorable that you think we see anyone other than you.” I wink, and she snorts, but the dumbass thief starts to stir.

“Oh, look. The elderly piece of shit is waking up,” I snap, and Briar laughs like it’s the funniest thing in the world, but it’s a dark laugh that I’ve never heard from her before. Not going to lie, it’s definitely a turn on to see this side of her.

“What are we going to do with him?” Dylan asks, and my first thought is for me to use him as a punching bag.

I have a lot of anger built up inside of me over knowing what Briar has been through. Knowing that the physical abuse we’ve personally witnessed was only the tip of the iceberg, it’s enough to have me seeing red. She was eight when we met her. I can’t even fathom how long she’s been going through this.

“No,” Dylan says, shaking his head at me.

“What the fuck do you mean, no?” I ask, shrugging like he’s not my twin and can’t feel what I’m feeling.

“You’re too angry and worked up. You’ll kill him,” he states.

“He tried to rob her. Killing him wouldn’t hurt,” I argue, and he rolls his eyes at me. Lovely, he’s picking up habits from the princess.

“Let me do it,” Briar speaks up, and we both look at her. “What? I won’t kill him.” She shrugs. “I’ll just make him realize he should be making better choices in life.”

Dylan and I look at one another before I smile down at my beautiful, bloodthirsty girl. “Sure, princess. Go ahead.”

Her smile is huge as she gives us both a hug before walking toward the bastard as he tries to slink away. “Alright, old dude, here’s how this is going to work.”

She grabs his hair in her left fist before swinging her right, landing a punch to his already broken nose, and we hear another crunch as the man whimpers in pain.

“You never saw me.” Another punch to the face. “And I never saw you.” She drives her foot into his chest, kicking him onto his back before towering over him. “And from now on, when you decide to rob someone, don’t be a piece of shit. Don’t target the vulnerable because you’re a pussy and can’t handle grown men.”

We watch as she spits in his face before walking back over to us with a giant smile on her face, and a happier way about her that we haven’t seen in a while.