Page 75 of Beautiful Revenge

“Who are you?” Chad asks the question my mother is too pissed to voice.

I smile. “My name is Briar Masterson,” I state, letting it sink in. When she loses all the colour in her face, I continue. “Formerly known as Briar Whitmore.” I turn to face her. “Hi, Mommy.”

The smile drops off my face as I look at her.

“No,” she whispers, clearly shaken by the news.

“Yes,” I say.

“Your daughter?” Chad squeaks. It’s comical enough that I almost laugh. Almost.

“The one and only,” I say, turning to smile at him, and he winces. “I see you’ve heard of me.”

“I—I, of course, I’ve heard of you,” he says, almost as shaken as his wife.

“Briar,” she whispers, and I whip around to face her.

“You’d do well to shut your mouth right now, mother,” I say, poison dripping from my tone. “I’ll get to you after your husband and I have a little chat.”

Turning back to Chad, I smile again. It makes him so uncomfortable I’d bet he pisses himself in fear before I even start touching him.

“What did she tell you about me?” I ask sweetly, leaning in to whisper in his ear. “And don’t even think about lying to me. I know who you two are and what you do. I know everything.” I pull back, looking down at him.

The smell of ammonia fills the air, making Devon grumble.

“Fucking pussy. She hasn’t even started the torture yet, and you’ve already pissed yourself.”

“T-torture?” he asks, paling.

“We’ll get to that. Now, focus. What did my egg donor tell you about me?”

Kelly gasps in shock behind me, and I roll my eyes in annoyance. Yeah, she’s definitely getting the bleach gag at some point.

“Uh, well,” he stalls, licking his lips. “That she had you with your, um, father.” I growl a little at the mention of that bastard, and Chad flinches. “She got pregnant to um, to—have you to play with,” he stammers.

“To play with,” I repeat, trailing off. “Then why did she run and leave me with Robert?”

He swallows, his entire body vibrating in fear. “She didn’t want a girl,” he whispers.

“Shut the fuck up, Chad!” Kelly hisses at him.

“Dev, baby, could you shut her up with that tape over there?” I ask sweetly.

“Gladly.” He moves to do just that, taping over her mouth as she screams obscenities at him.

Turning to her, I sigh. “I told you to shut up. Just be glad I’m not poisoning you like I did your last husband.” I shrug as her eyes widen, finally showing a little fear. “Not yet, anyway. I have so much to tell you first.”

“Thank you for telling me, Chad,” I say sweetly, cupping his cheek in my hand. “It’s always good to be honest.” I pull my hand away before slapping him across the face.

“Fuck!” he bellows.

“Now tell me exactly what you’ve done to Sophie.”