Page 74 of Beautiful Revenge

“What the hell is happening?!” Kelly shrieks, grating on my nerves. She’s going to give me a fucking headache if she keeps doing that.

I turn to the guys, smiling. “Remember the ball gag?” I ask, and Dylan’s eyes widen.

Devon just laughs. “What of it, princess?”

“Want to go make one? I think I’m going to need it,” I say dryly.

“I’ll go do that. Be back in a few minutes,” Dylan says, quickly making an exit.

I figured he would be in and out for this part. He’s usually never one to watch the torturing, but I know he’ll be by my side as much as he can since this is the woman behind all of my pain.

“Let me go!” she shrieks again, fighting against the restraints holding her to the bench.

“I don’t think so,” I reply, not bothering to move to her just yet. Chad isn’t even awake. Where would the fun be in starting the torture before he realizes his wife’s daughter is the one doing it?

“Chad! Chad, wake the fuck up!” she hollers, her head turning to see him.

He starts to stir, groaning like he’s in pain. “Shut up, woman. I have a headache.”

I laugh at that, unable to help it. Funny how she ended up spending her life with someone who hates her.

“Who the hell are you?” she snarls at me, and I know that’s my cue.

Moving to the bench she’s laid out on, I tilt my head to the side. “Who do you think I am?” I ask.

“Clearly not Harris’ whore,” she spits out, and I snort.

“Never in a million years would I be anyone’s whore. I’m nothing like you.” I’m calm right now, knowing I’m in complete control.

“I’m no one’s whore,” she snaps, and I laugh.

“You’re Chad’s whore. Tell me, does he know you’re fucking around on him with the chief of police?” I ask, making her swallow. “Better yet, does the child of police know you’re a child predator?”

Her face pales, and I know he doesn’t. The poor man is going to get the shock of a lifetime when that news hits the media. I feel kind of bad for him, actually.

“I—I…” she stammers, and I smile.

“You’re fucking him, too?!” Chad snaps, clearly awake enough to hear our conversation. “And what the fuck is going on? Why am I tied to a bench?”

“You’re tied to a bench for hurting a little girl. Though, she’s just how we found you. I’m sure there are others we’re getting justice for as well,” Devon snarls at the bastard.

“Sophie?” Chad croaks. “I don’t know a Sophie,” he lies, and it’s enough to piss me off.

I walk around my bitch of a mother’s bench to lean over the sick bastard. Wrapping my hand around his throat, I squeeze. “I have proof, asshole.” I squeeze harder before letting go and pulling back. “I didn’t even tell you her name before you sang like a fucking canary without even knowing it.”

He coughs against the feeling in his throat. “No.” It’s all he says.

“I told you to be smarter, you fucking fool!” Kelly snaps, and I whip around on her.

“You’re one to talk.” I stare her down. “You asked me who I am a moment ago.” I move until they can both see me.

“You’re a dead cunt when I get out of these restraints,” she threatens, and I laugh hysterically.

“You’re not getting out of those until you’re dead, Kelly. May as well get comfy,” I reply.

Her face gets so red she looks like she’s going to have a stroke. Clearly, she doesn’t like not being in charge.

“Oh, she’s mad,” Devon says, laughing. “She’s going to be a fun one, babe,” he says, careful not to use my name.