“What kind of recovery time are we looking at? Would an at home nurse be a good option? Physiotherapy is a non-issue. I want the name of the best so we can get him in as soon as he has the all clear from you to start working on his recovery.” Trey has taken the dominant role to a whole new level right now, and I’m so glad he’s here with me. I wouldn’t have thought of half the things he’s already asked until my brain cleared from the emotion and trauma.
“I can have that information put together for you within a few hours.” The doctor looks to me. “You’re both welcome to go wait in his room. He should be there in less than an hour once he’s been monitored in recovery for a little while,” he states, and we nod.
“Please.” I swallow. “We’d really like to be there when he wakes up,” I say, my voice sounding small.
“Of course. Follow me.” He opens the door and guides us through the building, taking us to our destination.
“Trey,”Doctor Meed motions to me when I step outside the room to grab Jewel and I some coffee.
Peter woke up a few hours ago and seems to be in good spirits now that he knows he truly did save those children from any harm.
Apparently, after he jumped in front of the bullet, the rest of the cops tackled the men holding the family hostage.
He was even happier to find out that the mother should make a full recovery to be there for her children, and it’s all because of him.
I’m not sure we will ever know why those men targeted that family, but my heart goes out to them, and I very much intend on finding a way to help them get back on their feet.
“Bret,” I greet him by his first name now that we’re in a less official setting.
Bret Meed has been a friend of my parents’ for as long as I can remember. Something about Dad being hurt over a stupid stunt when they were all younger, long before Lilly and I came into the picture, and Bret having to stitch him up in less-than-optimal circumstances.
Something about them just clicked, and they stayed in touch, growing closer. When he ended up falling for my mother’s life long best friend, it brought him even deeper into the fold of our family.
“Son, I was surprised to see you here,” he states, a furrow to his brow.
I can tell he wants to question why I had a married woman in my lap and why I’ve been holding her for hours on end.
“I can understand that,” I concede, not telling him anything just yet.
Fuck, I haven’t even told my parents because I’ve been out of town, and I wanted to tell them in person. The only people that currently know are Landon and Lilly, and that’s because I can’t keep anything from my sister for long, and Landon definitely can’t keep his mouth shut. He tells her fucking everything.
“What you were doing,” he says, looking like he’s struggling to find the words, so I put him out of his misery.
“I’m with both of them, Bret,” I sigh, and he blinks at me.
“Both of them? Like…” He trails off.
“I’m in love with the two of them, yes.” I hold up my hand to stop him from speaking. “I’d appreciate your discretion on this, Bret. I’d like to tell my parents when the man I love isn’t sitting in a hospital bed and his wife is coming down from the fear of losing him.”
His face contorts as if he’s trying to understand it all, but I don’t expect him to. It’s not the polyamorous aspect that’s really throwing him, but the fact that I have never once claimed to be in a relationship with one person, let alone a couple. One man and one woman. It’s going to be a lot for them to wrap their heads around.
“I won’t say anything. I assume you have your reasons.” He gives me a pointed look, and I just nod.
“It happened fast. I met them and I just knew, you know?” He gives me a small smile. “I’ve only known them for a couple weeks, but I know it’s right. We all do, I’ve just been out of town for business the past few days.” I sigh, grimacing when I look at my wrinkled suit.
“Are you happy, son?” he asks, and I smile.
“Very. Well, aside from the fear that ripped through me when I thought we were going to lose him,” I admit, and he claps a hand on my shoulder.
“Then be happy. Your parents aren’t going to judge you. All they’ve ever wanted is for their children to be happy.”
“Thank you,” I say, giving him a quick hug before he leaves to make his rounds.