Skye and Fee were pulled into the house by several hands. I followed in behind them, carrying their bags.

“This is Patty’s gift,” I gave the gift bag to Sallie, “And this is the girls’ bag.”

She took both bags.

“Thank you. You have my numbers. You can call anytime you want to check on them,” she said.

“I’m sure they will be fine. What time should I pick them up on Sunday?”

“Any time after three,” she responded.

“Okay. Phoenix and Skylar come here, please.”

Both girls ran over to me.

“I am trusting that you will make good decisions. You will be leaders and not followers. I know that I won’t hear about any disrespectful behavior or actions, right?”

“Yes, sir,” Skye said.

“Correct-o-mundo!” Fee snickered.

“Hey,” I put on my stern face, “I am not playing.”

“Yes, sir,” Fee corrected.

“Alright.” I kissed both girls before I left.

* * *

“Happy birthday,” Pearline said into the phone.

“Thank you,” I politely responded.

I’d started taking her calls more often. I knew she would call me since it was my birthday. Even when she was busy with her other family, she always made sure to at least wish me a happy birthday.

“What do you have planned for today?” She asked.

“The girls are at a sleepover with one of their school friends, so I am going out with my friends tonight.”

“Well, that’s nice. You know my offers stands, if you need me to care for the girls even overnight, I can. Just let me know.”

“I will keep that in mind,” I replied.

She’d offered to watch the girls in the past, but I’d never felt comfortable leaving them with her. I was sure she was fully capable of caring for them, I just wasn’t comfortable enough to allow it.

“I put your card in the mail the other day. You should have it today or Monday,” she said.

“I haven’t checked my mailbox, so it may be here already. Thank you for thinking of me.”

“I always think of you, Morris. I love you.”

“Alright, Mother. I have to get myself together. My friend is picking me up soon. I told Rah that I would be at the picnic…”

“You did!” she bubbled.

“Yes, so I will see you there,” I finished.

“I am so blessed. See you, baby. Have a great day, okay?”