“Will you be available in about an hour? They are trying on dresses for the Daddy-Daughter dance. I don’t want them to be disturbed while they are enjoying themselves.”

“Oh, that’s right! That is coming up. Can you send me pictures of them in the dresses they choose? Are you helping them pick them out? You don’t know nothing about girls’ dresses.”

“Yeah, you’re right. I don’t. I’m not helping them, Cam is.”

“Oh, yourfriendCam?” she responded sarcastically, putting the emphasis on friend.

“Yep, my friend. Look, will you be around? I will have them call you back as soon as they are done.”

“Moe, I don’t want some bitch over there playing house with my kids. I ain’t met her or nothing!”

“Watch your mouth,” I growled. “Her name is Cam don’t call her anything else. First and last warning.”

“You’re defending her like she is more than just a friend. My grandmother used to say the depth of love is measured by the depth of defense. You are going pretty hard for a friend,” Bee said.

“Is there a question in there somewhere?”

“So you do like her?”

“I do.”

“A lot?”


“We agreed that we would let each other meet the people we had around the girls,” Bee said.

“If you come back, you will meet her. I will have the girls call you when they are done. Bye, Bee.”

I disconnected the call.

“Daddy! Look at us!” Fee skipped into the living room, followed by Skye and the ladies.

Fee had on a multi-colored poufy dress. She’d mentioned that she wanted a unicorn dress, and the dress she had on reminded me of a unicorn. Her bright smile made the dress even more beautiful on her.

“Baby girl, that’s a beautiful dress,” I commented.

“Thank you, Daddy,” Fee smiled while admiring herself in the mirror.

“Skye, you look beautiful,” I smiled.

The yellow dress Skye wore was shorter in the front than the back. It was embroidered with black lace.

“Thank you,” Skye smiled. “I like this one a lot.”

“It is beautiful on you, Skye,” Cam said.

“I want this one, Daddy. I don’t want to try on anymore,” Skye decided.

“Are you sure?” I asked.

“Yep, it’s beautiful. I feel like a princess,” Skye said, still looking in the mirror.

“I want to try on another one,” Fee said.

It was no surprise that Fee wanted to take full advantage of trying on all the dresses while Skye was content with the first one she’d tried on.

All of the ladies went back into the girls’ room and I sat on the couch thinking about what Beatrice had said.Was I in love with Cam?I didn’t know when I realized it, but I knew I was. I didn’t know when I’d fallen. Was it when we met, or was it after we made love? What I did know was that I was tired of playing like all I wanted from her was a friendship when I knew I wanted a whole lot more. The problem was I had no idea how she felt. I knew that she cared, but after she ran away and came back as a friend, I had a hard time reading her.