“Yep, she is.”

“Then I can’t wait to meet her. I will see you soon, but I will call on your birthday,” Sarah said.

“Okay, talk to you then.”


I’m leaving work now.

I sent the text to Morris as I was packing my bag and cleaning my station. I was the last one to leave the shop and I was exhausted. Before Blacc left, he’d parked my car at the back door. All I had to do was step out of the door and into my vehicle.

Your piping hot dinner will be waiting on you – Morris

I smiled after reading his text and headed to my car. I hummed along to Lyrica’s latest single as I maneuvered my way through the streets to my place.

I sent the code for my door to your phone. Come in when you are ready - Morris

I decided to take a quick shower before I went over to Morris’ place. I threw on mySuite Dreamst-shirt, a pair of jogging pants, and my flamingo slippers.

“Hey,” I called out after using the code to gain entry into Morris’ apartment.

“Hey,” he appeared, smiling from behind the door.

I closed the door behind me and walked further into the apartment.

“It smells good in here,” I commented.

“Thank you. Come on to the table and have a seat. I will get your plate,” Morris said.

He pulled out one of the black chairs for me and I sat down. He was gone for several minutes but returned with a plate and a glass of wine.

“The girls suggested the buffalo chicken sliders and salad. They wanted to stay awake and have dinner with you, but it was past their bedtime,” Morris explained.

“Aww, I hate I missed them. I wanted to get the tea on the rest of their school day.”

“They talked about you coming to their school the entire ride home. Skye said the other girls were impressed with their coffee mugs.”

“That’s what’s up. I wanted them to feel as special as they made me feel when they asked me to come,” I smiled.

“It worked. They both wrote you a letter,” Morris said while producing two pieces of folded paper from the kitchen counter.

“They did! They didn’t have to do that. It was my pleasure to hang out with them, for real!”

I opened the first folded paper. It was from Fee:

Thank you, Ms. Cam for coming to my school today for Muffins with Moms. Unicorns are better than flamingos, but I will draw you a flamingo since it’s your favorite.

Phoenix Owens aka Fee

Below the letter was a drawing of a pink bird on top of a unicorn. I blinked back the tears while examining the drawing.

“I don’t know what her fascination is with unicorns,” Morris shook his head.

“It’s beautiful,” I responded.

I unfolded the second piece of paper and read Skye’s letter:

Ms. Cam,