“What would I do without you?”

“I don’t even want to imagine,” she replied.

“Me either,” I replied and pulled her close to me.

“Don’t try to butter me up. You got some more apologizing to do,” Cam smirked.

I pulled her in for a hug and held on tightly for several minutes before letting her go and kissing her forehead.

“Call me when you are on your way home,” I reminded her.

“Okay,” she replied.

After retrieving her things from the hood of her car, I opened her car door. She waved before she sped out of the parking lot and into traffic.

I got in my truck and navigated back to the messages on my phone to watch the videos that Cam sent. I could clearly hear her cheering my girls on as they walked up to receive their awards. Then I looked at the pictures of my girls holding their certificates and smiling so brightly. Their smiles were even larger when Cam got into the photos with them because she had them doing silly poses.

She was good for me.

She was goodfor us.

* * *

“And then she gave us some pretty cups to drink our hot chocolate out of. Nuuuunnn of the other girls had cups like we had,” Skye said proudly.

“My friends all said Ms. Cam was so cool for coming and hanging with us today,” Fee added.

I watched my girls through the rearview mirror while I drove home from their afterschool program.

“What made you call Ms. Cam?” I asked.

“Because I called mommy and she said she was having car problems and wasn’t going to make it. Ms. Cam is our friend, so I called her and asked if she would come. I didn’t want to be the only kids there without a mommy,” Skye explained.

“How did you know her number?”

“I have her business card in my wallet,” Skye said.

I bought her a little wallet for Christmas. She loves to keep business cards in it like they are credit cards.

“Did you both tell her thank you?” I asked.

“I did!” Fee said.

“I did, too,” Skye said.

“I told Cam that I would cook dinner for her tonight to thank her for spending time at your school today. What should I cook?”

“You should make unicorn cupcakes,” Fee said.

“Youlike unicorns. This is for Ms. Cam,” Skye said.

“Well, unicorn cupcakes are good, and I think she will like them,” Fee said.

“Okay, we can pick up cupcakes for dessert, but you still haven’t said what we should have for dinner.”

“Buffalo chicken sliders and home fries. Remember, you put the chicken in the pressure cooker?”

“Oh, yeah. That was good. What about a salad instead of fries?”