“The gospel singer? Of course I have. She sang at the last award show and had everyone in there crying,” I answered.

“Yep, that’s her. She’s looking for someone new to take care of her hair and create some custom units. I told her I would talk to you to see if you would have time while you were here.”

“It depends on what she’s looking for, but yeah, I would love to meet her.”

“Great! I want to make sure we have some time to spend together while you are here. The last time you were in and out so quickly and I was so busy. I miss our pajama talks,” Lyrica said.

“I do too.”

While we were on tour, Lyrica and I would steal time to sit makeup free, hair tied up, and just talk, laugh, and sometimes cry. Those moments sealed our friendship and our connection to each other.

“So, how are things? Last time we texted you said you were on your way somewhere with Morris. How did that go?” Lyrica asked.

“It went well. And no, before you ask, we are not dating, and I haven’t talked to him about the whole making me a side chick thing.”

“I was not about to ask that. I know you would’ve led with that if you had talked to him about it,” Lyrica said, “As great as you are at communicating, I don’t understand why you haven’t had that discussion. You give everyone else advice but can’t follow simple advice from people who care about you?”

“Okay, so ouch, that hurt. I do listen to people who care about me.”

“Tweet told you to talk to him as soon as it happened. Did you do it?”

“No, I…”

“Isn’t Tweet your best friend?”

“Yes, but…”

“You cried on my shoulder about it. I told you to talk to him. Did you do it?”

“Ma’am, I am not about to be raked…”

“No, you didn’t! I haven’t known you as long as Tweet, but I care about you as much as she does. So if you’re miserable about the whole situation and the two people who probably care about you the most gave you advice that you haven’t followed, what does that say about you?”

I didn’t respond. I didn’t know how to react. She was right, and as much as her words stung, I needed to hear them.

“He’s with someone else,” I whined.

“I’m not saying be a homewrecker, Cam. I’m not saying seduce him and take him. I’m saying free yourself. You talked about the pattern of men who have tried to make you their side piece. You have experiences that you’re heaping onto the next man. Have the conversation, sis,” Lyrica finished.


Walking out of the security gate, I noticed that Bee was standing by the passenger side door but hadn’t let the girls out the truck yet.

“You can let them out now,” I said as I approached the truck.

“I need to talk to you first, Moe.”

She stepped several feet away from the truck.

I followed her until she stopped, then stood in front of her, folded my arms across my chest, and prepared myself for the bullshit.

“Okay, so, here it goes.” She ran her hands down the front of her jeans, a move she did when she was nervous. “Tony and I are moving to Atlanta.”

“What?” I responded, not sure if I’d heard her correctly.

“We just feel like with all the crap happ…”

“No, for real, repeat what you just said. I’m positive I didn’t hear you correctly,” I interrupted.