“He is the living breathing definition of a fuckboy. He’s tall and light-skinned with a natural wave pattern and nice teeth. He had about fifty-leven baby mommas around there. From what I heard, his face is what’s keeps them coming back, not his dick,” Coco chuckled while using her thumb and first finger to illustrate his size.

“Well, Bee is certainly hanging around him and leaving her kids with randos to be with him.”

“He’s probably feeding her pipe dreams like he has so many others. She better be careful, though. He will get her mixed up in some shit she won’t be able to get free from,” Coco warned.


“You are Bobby Boucher, I’m the Mane like Gucci!”

Rapping along to “Drink the Kool-Aid” by Ice Cube, I moved around my office, preparing myself for an upcoming court case. It was my ritual to blast Ice Cube as loud as I could through my headphones while I mentally prepared to annihilate opposing counsel.

I removed my headphones after feeling a tap on my shoulder. Everyone knew not to bother me during my pre-trial prep.

“Yes?” I asked Anna, annoyed.

“Morris, I’m sorry, but Beatrice has called a couple of times. She wanted to let you know that she would pick the girls up from school, but I wouldn’t okay that without your permission.”

My frown softened after I heard why I was disturbed. In times past, if Beatrice called and wanted to pick up the girls, Anna would just relay the message to me, but after the Tez incident, she no longer had carte blanche with my daughters, I didn’t give a fuck what the courts said.

“Is she on the phone?”

“Yes,” Anna responded.


I picked up the receiver and connected the call.


“Hey Moe, I told Anna that I wanted to pick the girls up from school today and spend some time with them. She didn’t have to put you on the phone,” Beatrice said.

“All changes concerning the girls will be run past me since that shit you pulled, leaving them at that crack house.”

“It wasn’t a crack house, and we’ve already had this conversation,” she returned.

It took me about a week after the Tez incident for me to be in the right headspace to speak with Beatrice about what happened. She gave some bullshit story about why she left the girls saying she was only gone for a few minutes. She lied and said she asked Trina to watch the girls when I knew differently.

At the end of the day, she was still their mother, and I couldn’t keep her from them, but I could definitely put some safeguards in place to protect my daughters from her asinine behavior.

“What time will you arrive at the school to pick them up?”

“School is out at three, right?” she asked.

“My question to you is what time will you arrive at the school to pick them up?”

“I will get there a little before three,” Bee huffed.

I didn’t care about her attitude I was recording the conversation just in case some more bullshit popped off. I wasn’t playing with her any longer.

“You will bring them back home tonight, or should I meet you somewhere to pick them up?”

“I will bring them home tonight,” she answered.

“Alright, call me if something changes. If I need to come and get them, I will. If you can’t make it to the school on time, I will send the aftercare van to get them, okay?”

“Moe, they are my daughters too. I know how to…”

“I have a case to prepare for, but my phone will be on,” I said before disconnecting the call. “Anna,” I called out.