“No telling,” Breon shook his head. “That nigga Tony always up to something.”

“Daddy!” Skye said as she and Fee emerged from the house with freeze pops in their hands followed by a man and a woman.

Both anger and relief washed over me in tandem. I was relieved to see that my girls were okay but extremely pissed that their mother would leave them there.

I bent down to hug each girl while giving them the once over. If I’d found one scratch or hair out of place, I would have lit that whole house up, jail be dammed.

“Tez, this is Cam and Morris,” Breon said.

Wearing a white, ribbed, sleeveless t-shirt and a pair of light wash jeans, Tez reminded me of O-Dawg fromMenace to Society.Instead of the braids, he had a low fade.

“Thank you for calling me,” I said, extending my hand to Tez.

“It’s all good,” Tez responded, shaking my hand.

“Daddy, Ms. Trina gave us these freeze pops and let us watch Lyrica videos,” Skye said.

Trina stood about four feet eleven with a rainbow weave and long colorful fingernails. She smiled a genuine and warm smile, which made me feel a little at ease.

“They were good and very respectful,” Trina said in a sweet, soft voice that was completely opposite of her appearance.

“Thank you for looking out for them,” I said to her and Tez.

“This is the one I told you to go to, so you can stop wearing that jacked up weave,” Breon said to Trina.

“Aye, chill with all that shit. Her hair is beautiful and colorful just like her,” Tez defended while pulling Trina close to him.

“Cam is a stylist at the shop Nelson works at,” Breon said.

“Oh, Coco and Lyrica get their hair done by you. I tried to book an appointment with you, but your schedule stays full,” Trina responded.

“I’m not taking new clients right now, but I will find time for you as a thank you for watching out for the girls,” Cam answered. “Send me a text, and I will let you know when I can get you in.”

“For real?” Trina smiled.

“Yep,” Cam smiled.

Trina gave Cam her phone. Cam typed her number in and returned it to Trina.

“Thank you again for looking out for my girls,” I said while retrieving a business card from my pocket and passing it to Tez. “I’m an attorney. If you ever need anything, let me know.”

“That’s what’s up,” Tez said after accepting the card.

“Thank you, Ms. Trina,” Skye said.

“Thank you,” Fee mimicked.

“No problem,” Trina smiled.

I opened Cam’s door and then the girls’ doors. After I was seated in my truck and we pulled away from the curb, I let out a deep, cleansing breath. That could have gone so many other ways. I was happy that nothing went wrong. Cam discreetly engaged the safety on her gun and tucked it back into her purse.

“Girls, are you good?” Cam asked, turning around.

“Yes, I’m good,” Fee said, still enjoying her freeze pop.

“Yes,” Skye said somberly.

She understood the magnitude of what her mother had done.