“But, the girls are okay, right?” Samuel asked.

“The girls are great. They are better than great. They are thriving. Making new friends, taking dance lessons, and excelling at school. I couldn’t be prouder of them.”

“That’s what’s important,” JD said. “How is your mother?”

Pearline was usually the topic of conversation when JD and I talked privately. My relationship with my mother was a work in progress. I could admit that sometimes my actions stalled the progress, but some things were hard to forgive and move forward from.

“She is fine,” I shrugged.

“Have you spoken to her?” JD questioned.

“I accept her calls now. I can’t say that I’ve called her, but if she calls me, I talk to her. My oldest sister is planning a family reunion for all the siblings around Pearline’s birthday. She asked me to go.”

“Are you planning on going?” Xavier asked.

I shrugged.

“What would stop you from spending time with your entire family?” JD asked.

“My sister asked me to go for Pearline. When that didn’t get her the answer that she wanted, she played the big sister card. She knows that I will do anything for her, but I don’t feel like being a part of the drama,” I explained.

“All families come with some level of drama. It wouldn’t be good for the entire family to all be together, and you not show up,” JD said.

“That’s what my sister said. I don’t care, but I know she does so I will have to think about,” I said.

“Honoring your mother would be a good thing. You only get one,” JD returned.

“That’s the confusing part for me. Why would I honor someone who doesn’t deserve honor? Because she is my mother, she should get honor from me?”

“The Bible says to honor your mother and father so that your days will be long on the earth. Honor has nothing to do with them but everything to do with you. There is a promise of long life when you honor your parents. I know Pearline rejected and abandoned you. That’s on her. Your life and your blessings are still connected to how you respond to her. Judging her past decisions will keep you in a cycle of hurt. Remember, a lot of the time, what we judge is what we become,” JD answered.

“And it’s important to let the past be the past. It’s called the past because it’s already happened. It’s not the present, and it’s definitely not the future. Keep it in its place and deal with the here and now. How is she treating you now? How does she respond to you now? Honor her for the changes she’s made in her life. Honor her for her tenacity in coming back time after time, even though each time you reject her to some degree. Honor her strength for loving herself enough to change,” Reggie added.

I appreciated the way the older men found time to give wisdom to the younger men. It was something that I’d missed in my life growing up, but I definitely had it now.


I pulled into my parking spot and saw Cam getting out of her car.

“Hey,” I called to her.

“Hey, Morris,” Cam smiled, but I could see that she was exhausted.

“Long day?”

“Hella long day,” she responded while juggling a large tote bag and two smaller bags.

I reached for the bags, and she handed them over with no hesitation. We walked together to our building.

“You had a full schedule?” I asked.

“It was full and difficult. Some days people get on my nerves,” she chuckled. “Then, my inventory delivery was late, so I have some work that I still need to do tonight. I have to create several units for Blacc’s fashion show, and I have two units I have to deliver for Lyrica.”

An immediate desire to do something to relieve her stress came over me. A quick thought of rubbing her shoulders, preparing her a bath, or just holding her while she talked about her day ran through my mind.

“It’s hard being a boss, huh?”

“Some days, it feels impossible. Where are the girls?”