“I remember when Averie was in labor. I thought I was prepared to see a human push out another human, but man…I was not!” Samuel said. “I gained so much more respect for Vee after King was born.”

“That’s one of my biggest regrets. That I wasn’t there for either of my sons' births. I saw Roc once he came home from the hospital, but I didn’t know Samuel until he was grown. A woman going through the process of bringing life into the world is a sacred thing. Make sure you document this journey because you can’t go back and do it again,” Reggie said.

“I took pictures and videos of every milestone in Keeva’s pregnancy. We were on pins and needles at first, thinking that she may not carry Mireya to term, but she did, and now she is pregnant again. This time just like the last, I am not missing a thing. I know I fell more in love with her watching her give birth,” Kerem said.

“Aye, I already had Princess and Princeton, so I’ve been an uncle for a while, but that little Mimi…she looks at me and I go into my wallet and give her money,” Samuel laughed.

“She is a charmer for sure,” Reggie laughed.

“So, Keeva and Averie are due around the same time?” JD asked.

“Yes, they are about two months apart,” Samuel answered.

“That’s a lot happening in the family all at once,” JD said.

“Yeah, we’ve definitely doubled the family in little to no time,” Kerem laughed.

“How are things going with Beatrice? I know Skylar and Phoenix are growing like weeds,” Xavier said.

“Things were great for a while. Bee was doing what she promised she would do, and things were working out well. Then, they weren’t. She disappeared for about a month.”

“A month?” Xavier said.

“Bee hasn’t been around?” JD asked.

“She was gone for a month. She’s around now. I didn’t hear anything from her then when she did finally call, she was locked up and needed money to get out,” I explained.

“What was she locked up for?” Xavier asked.

“Possession with the intent to distribute.”

“Did you give her the bail money?” JD asked.

“I wasn’t going to do it at first, then I did. I couldn’t have the mother of my children sitting in lockup when I could help.”

“That was a good decision. Did she pay you back?” JD questioned.

“She gave it right back, which let me know that she is up to no good even though she said the stuff that the police found was not hers.”

“Sounds like she was living like she doesn’t have any responsibilities,” JD said.

“Yep,” I said while running my hand down my face and through my beard.

“How do you feel about that?” JD asked.

“I didn’t know I was going to be a single parent one hundred percent of the time, but I’ve adjusted. I’m angry with her because I don’t understand how she chose him over her kids.”

“Him?” JD questioned.

“Yeah, this guy she’s dating. Things were going okay until they got together.”

“Is he influencing her decisions?” Xavier asked.

“I can’t say that for certain. She may just be doing what she’s always wanted to do, but the change didn’t occur until he came around,” I explained.

“Does that anger that you mentioned have anything to do with the feelings you have for her?” Reggie asked.

“Absolutely not. I was never in love with Beatrice, and when it was time for us to be over, it was over for me. I respect her and I wanted a friendship with her, but right now, I don’t have anything for her.”