This is that bullshit…

“Her not being around has nothing to do with her love for you. I know that she loves both of you very much. I don’t know where she’s been, but she will be back, okay?”

“Okay,” Skye nodded with unshed tears in her eyes.

That was all I could say. I had no idea where Bee was or when she would be back. I hated seeing my daughters hurt.

“I will text these pictures to Ms. Cam and see what she says. After your hair is finished on Sunday, we will go toWonderland.”

“We can?” Fee squealed.

“Yes, we can,” I smiled and tickled her side. She squealed with laughter.

I’d promised the girls that I would take them back toWonderland, which was a fantastic family amusement center owned by my client Roc. The girls and I attended the grand opening, and they ran around until they wore themselves out.

After I got the girls settled in bed, I sent Cam a text.

These are the pictures the girls chose for their hairstyles. Let me know what time we should arrive for their appointment and if I will need to bring anything for their hair.

My phone vibrated with a call. It was Cam.

“Hey, I didn’t want to bother you if you were busy,” I said after connecting the call.

“Hey, it’s too much to text, so I decided to call. These pictures are adorable and easily achieved. You don’t need to bring anything for their hair. I have some braiding hair, so that’s all I will need. It will be one hundred for both—fifty apiece. That price will include a quick touch-up around their edges in about two weeks,” Cam said.

“Okay. Are you feeling okay? You sound a little under the weather.”

It wasn’t like Cam not to have something smart or funny to say during our conversations. I looked forward to our interactions.

“I think I’m PMSing. I’m not sure. I was going through that whole feeling sorry for myself thing that happens right before my Aunt Flo comes to visit.”

“That’s really a thing?”

“PMS? Yes, it’s real. It happens differently for different women. Sometimes, I’m fine, and other times, I’m super moody. I can’t control it, but I try to warn people that it’s happening just in case I act out of character. I’m fine, though,” she explained.

“Cool, I wanted to make sure I didn’t need to throw on my cape and come save you.”

“Cape? And what would your hero name be?” Cam asked.

“Captain Save A…”

“You better not say Captain Save A Hoe!” Cam interrupted.

“I wasn’t going to say Captain Save A Hoe. I was trying to say Captain Save Her.”

“I distinctly heard you say, Captain Save A before I cut you off. So how do you get Captain Save Her out of Captain Save A?” Cam asked.

“You interrupted I was trying to say Captain Save A Her,” I chuckled.

“Whatever, Morris! If you would’ve said the save a hoe part, I was going to come into your apartment in the middle of the night and shave off one side of your mustache and beard,” Cam laughed.

“My mustache and beard ain’t never done nothing wrong to you, woman. Why are you always threatening to do them harm? I’m not playing with you anymore. You get too serious,” I chuckled.

“Whatever Captain Save A Her,” Cam laughed.

“What time should the girls and I be there on Sunday?”

“I would prefer to start early at around nine. Is that too early for you?” Cam asked, sounding a little more chipper.