Cam took in a deep breath. I could feel her getting tense next to me.
“Bee, tell your sister to get back in that truck,” I calmly said.
“Naw nigga. You out here posting on social media and shit. Those ain’t just your kids those my sister’s kids too. You can’t be going around parading around some bitch like she they momma,” Le’Asia said.
She was referring to a picture I’d posted on Instagram of Cam and the girls with the caption: The three pieces of my heart. It wasn’t the first time I’d posted a pic of Cam since we’d been dating, but it was the first one with her and the girls.
“Get yo’ ass back in that truck, Le’Asia, before we have some problems out here,” I growled.
“I ain’t gotta do shit,” Le’Asia sassed. “Bee Bee, I told you he wasn’t shit. Just cause he got a degree or whatever don’t make him no less of a nigga. You should take your girls back to Allana with you and make his ass pay you twice as much!”
“Beatrice, I don’t know you, and you don’t know me. I don’t want to show my ass in front of your daughters because I care about how they view me, but if your friend doesn’t get back in that truck, I’m going to drag her ass up and down this parking lot…no threat…facts,” Cam said calmly.
I grabbed Cam’s hand because I knew how Le’Asia rolled. She didn’t learn lessons quickly, nor did she understand grace. At this point, I knew Cam was offering grace.
“Bitch who the fuck…” Le’Asia started.
Cam took another deep breath.
“Get in the car, Asia,” Bee demanded.
“I ain’t scared of this bitch,” Le’Asia spat.
I felt Cam’s grip tighten.
“It ain’t about being scared. It’s about creating a scene in front of my daughters. Get in the truck,” Bee said.
Le’Asia looked Cam and up and down then slowly went back into the truck.
“So you popped up at my place because of something I put on social media? How long have you been in town? Don’t lie. You didn’t just get here. The timing is too perfect.”
“I…we…got here a few days ago, but I was going to call you…” Bee tried to explain.
“You brought this bullshit to my front door, but you haven’t checked on your daughters? My life is my life, and you ain’t got shit to do with it. Just like your life is yours. You should be glad that I have someone around our daughters that cares enough not to whoop your ignorant sister’s ass,” I said.
“I told her to get in the truck! Now can I see the girls?” Bee said.
“My daughters are asleep. I am not waking them up…”
“Morris,” Cam said, squeezing my hand.
I turned to look at her.
“They haven’t seen their mom. It wouldn’t be fair to them if they didn’t see her.”
I looked at her for a moment. I knew she was right, but I was tired of always adjusting when Bee did something stupid.
“I can wake them up if you want me to,” Cam said.
“No, I’ll get them.”
I released Cam’s hand and turned to the truck. I woke the girls up and helped them out of the truck.
“Mommy,” Skye yelled once she found her bearings.
“Mommy, I missed you,” Fee said, running into her mother’s arms.
“Mommy, are you back in St. Louis now?” Skye asked.