I felt her pussy tighten around my finger as she convulsed while she ascended again. I watched her body tense up and slowly relax. As she started to relax, she grabbed one of the condom packets, ripped it open, and passed it to me.

I used the moisture on my fingers to coat my dick before I slid the condom on. I lined myself up with her opening and slowly pushed my way in. The wetness, warmth, and tightness hit me all at once.

“Damn…” I groaned while slowly burying my entire length inside of her. She was so tight, wet, and felt so good. I softly bit into her shoulder, trying to calm myself down. She rubbed her soft hands across my back and followed my lead as I found our rhythm, each stroke long, deep, and deliberate. I placed kisses wherever they landed as we continued our dance.

“You feel amazing, baby,” I said.

“You do,” Cam moaned.

Moving her left leg and resting it on my shoulder, I changed positions for deeper penetration. I could feel myself about to ascend and tried to slow down to stop myself. I couldn’t stop it. It started as a tingle in my toes and built up intensity as it worked its way up my body.

“Morris,” Cam called out as I felt her body tense up again.

“Shhhh,” I hissed as I ascended with Cam.

I leaned in and kissed her as we both tried to steady our breathing. Rolling onto my back, I pulled her close to me and held her.


Moving slightly, I felt the hard body next to me, instantly sealing the fact that last night was not a dream.

“Good morning,” he whispered in my ear, sending a tingle from my ear straight to my core.

“Good morning,” I responded after squeezing my legs together to calm myself down.

“Hey,” he said while using my chin to move my head towards him. “Are you good?”

“I’m perfect,” I smiled.

“You are perfect,” he complimented before kissing me.

“I’m sorry for not coming to you about what I thought I saw. I just…”

“It’s all good. You are going to be making it up for a while,” he smirked.

“I don’t have a problem with that,” I smiled.


“Oh, I forgot to give your gift last night,” I said while attempting to get out the bed.

Morris grabbed me by my waist and pulled me back onto my back. He climbed on top of me.

“I didn’t get my gifts last night?” Morris asked, arching one eyebrow.

He kissed my neck.

“I mean…last night was amazing,” I moaned.

“It was,” Morris said while still kissing my neck.

“But no, I purchased you something. Let me get it,” I said while stretching my neck so that he wouldn’t stop kissing me.

He kissed me a couple more times then moved, giving me space to get up.

“I need to go and get my toothbrush,” Morris called behind me.

“I have a whole pack of new ones under my vanity in the bathroom. You can have one,” I said before walking out of the bedroom.