“Morris, I saw y’all kiss the very next day,” I said and looked away.

That admission made the hurt of the whole incident bubble up again. I wasn’t sure I was ready to risk sex with him even though my body was screaming for him to keep touching me.

“You were with her out in the visitor parking lot on the other side of the gate. I saw the kiss, then I came back inside my apartment until I figured she was gone,” I finished.

Morris tilted his head and scrunched his eyebrows together. He hadn’t removed his grip on my panties. He stared off into the distance for a minute before he relaxed his face.

He turned my chin to face him and looked me directly in the eyes, “You saw her kissme.You didn’t seeuskiss, and if you would’ve stuck around and watched the whole interaction, I told her to leave. Did you see when I told her to leave? Did you ever wonder why our conversation was outside the gate and not at my place? Because I didn’t open the gate to let her in. I went to talk to her because it was over. She said she had a few of my things to give back to me. After I reiterated the fact that we were not going to be together, she kissed me. Why would you think that I would put you in that type of situation? I told you we weren’t together. I’ve never lied to you.”

“But you were with her when I came back from touring.”

“I tried calling, texting, and emailing you. I knocked on your door for several days straight and looked for your car in the parking lot. I even went to the shop looking for you. You ghosted me. She came back around while you were on tour and I figured, why not? Even though I didn’t want her, I wanted you. While Angel was not the best suited to deal with my girls, one of the main reasons I couldn’t make it work with her was because I wanted you.”

His words hit home. It was true. I didn’t ask, I assumed. Everyone told me to talk to him about it, but I had already lumped him into the same pile as all the other men who only wanted a side piece. He had never lied to me, so I had no reason not to believe him.

“I didn’t…” I started.

He tilted his head to the side and looked at me, “You mean to tell me that all this time you ghosted me because of something you thought you saw? Why didn’t you ask me about it?”

“I just…” he didn’t let me finish.

“You had me thinking it was because I was a package deal like maybe the girls, and I was too much.”

“No, I never felt like that. I enjoy you and the girls.”

“Yeah, I dismissed that thought for real when you changed your whole day to be with them at the school. I knew the girls weren’t the problem. Then I figured I did something wrong like came too fast or didn’t consider you while we were together, which I didn’t think was the case…”

“What? Were you in the same room as me? What we shared was amazing! Off the charts! The best I’ve ever had,” I said.

“I felt the same way. Why didn’t you talk to me?”

“Morris, I’m sorry I don’t know…”

“Awww naw,” he interrupted and slid his hand into my panties. Sliding his finger between my folds, I gasped as I rested my head against the wall.

“You owe me for this one,” he breathed into my ear while softly stroking my sensitive center. “All this time, you could’ve been waking up next to me, but you messed it up? Then you went on a date with some clown knowing I was still fantasizing about yo’ ass?” He slid one more finger inside of me.

“Mor…” I tried to say.

“Sorry ain’t gone cut it, baby. Like you made me pay when you went to the girls’ school? You are going to have to pay for this, otherwise, how will you learn?”

I ran my fingers through both sides of his beard and pulled him closer to me.

“Call me baby, again,” I purred.

“Baby,” he moaned as our lips crashed onto one another’s.

“You ready to cross this line and end your strike?” he asked.

“Hell yeah,” I responded.

He started moving his fingers in and out of my wetness while kissing anywhere that was exposed. I grabbed his wrist as I felt my core tightening and my ascension approaching.

He abruptly stopped.

“No, not yet,” he said.

Reaching behind me, he unzipped my dress and pulled it from my shoulders, exposing my breasts.