“It was my pleasure,” Valentina responded.

“Thanks, Val!” Cam said. “I will walk you out.”

I held the door until they both walked out. I wanted to finish the conversation with Cam about her date. I had no idea she was even considering going out with someone. I didn’t like the idea of her being out with anyone. As a matter of fact, it angered me when I thought about it.

I sat on the couch and waited for Cam to come back in. We were going to finish the conversation, so I could tell her that I didn’t want her going out with anyone. I wanted to be with her.

She walked back in, smiling, and sat next to me.

“I haven’t had a chance to tell you since you’ve been sick, but I got the grant!”

“What! When did you find out?”

“The day you got sick. I was waiting for you to come to my place so I could tell you. Since you hadn’t been feeling well, I waited to tell you. Samuel called me, well his secretary or someone called me, but I spoke directly to him. He congratulated me.”

“That’s dope, Cam. It was cool of him to call you personally,” I said.

“Yeah, Kerem called me and set up an appointment to go over the details,” she said.

“I knew you would get it. Not because of me or Keeva but because you are an amazing businesswoman with fresh ideas and concepts. Your suites are going to fill up immediately.”

“Morris…thank you,” she smiled.

She was so excited that I didn’t know how to go back to the subject of her date without changing her mood. I’d missed an opportunity again.

* * *

“The revitalization project is going better than expected. We have all the condos in the first phase rented out. The community center is finally up to our standards after a few back and forth sessions with the architect. With the addition ofMcIntyre’sgrocery store and salon suites, we will have a complete community. People won’t have to leave the neighborhood unless they want to. We have Morris to thank for the McIntyre addition. Great job, Morris,” Samuel said.

All the partners and senior associates seated around the table clapped. I nodded my head in appreciation.

“Last thing, Averie is due with my second son any day now. We already have the plan in place for me to be in and out during those first few weeks. If you have any questions about your assignments or duties, please let me know. The last thing any of you want is a new, sleep-deprived, angry father coming after you. It won’t be fun. Have a great day,” Samuel finished.

Everyone filed out the conference room.

“Morris,” Samuel called just as I was about to walk out.


“Can I speak with you?”

I moved to the side, so the rest of the room could leave before I sat back down at the table. I sat quietly at the table while Samuel jotted down a few things on a legal pad.

He put his pen down, looked at me, and said, “How are Skye and Fee?”

“They both are doing very well. They are excelling atThe Henrene Academyand have an active social life. They are keeping me busy,” I smiled.

“Are you completely over the sickness that had you out for a few days?”

“Yes, I didn’t think I was going to make it. That bug was something vicious,” I responded.

“Then what’s her name?” Samuel asked.

“Excuse me?”

“The person that had your head somewhere else the entire meeting.”

“I can tell you everything that was said during the meeting,” I responded.