“Ohmigawd,” I paused when I saw we were seated at the table with the McIntyre brothers and their wives.

“Oh, I forgot to tell you we would be seated with Brooks and Azariah,” Morris smiled.

I tried to tamp down my fangirling, but I felt it bubbling to the surface as soon as the brothers stood from their seats to welcome us to the table.

“Brooks, Azariah, this is my lady, Cambria.”

My smile was so large that the corners of my mouth reached from ear to ear. Brooks shook my hand, but Azariah stepped away from his chair.

“Can I hug you?” he asked.

I looked at his wife for permission. She smiled and nodded.

I stepped into his hug and fought hard to keep my tears at bay.

“I’m very proud of you, Ms. Cambria McLaren,” Azariah said.

“Sir, your words inspired this disregarded, short-tempered foster kid to follow her dream of entrepreneurship, thank you,” I choked out.

“You and Morris and other young people like you keep the fire under my brother and I. You are my inspiration, so thank you,” Azariah said.

He pulled out my chair next to his, and I sat down. That was a dream come true that I never knew I had.

I chatted with everyone at the table while we enjoyed our seven-course meal. Azariah and his wife, Grace, were humble, funny, and engaging. Everyone at the table kept the conversation lively, entertaining, and informational.

“Excuse me, Samuel is about to address the room, and he wants his team with him,” Morris said.

“Okay,” I smiled after he kissed me on the cheek.

Several minutes later, Samuel and Averie stood at the front of the room with several attorneys from his firm.

“I want to thank everyone for coming out tonight and celebrating with us. My wife, my team, and I are excited about this revitalization project and look forward to seeing it grow into other areas of the city. It was almost three years ago that someone decided that my life wasn’t worth living and attempted to end it. Through prayer, an amazing wife who never gave up on me, doctors who worked hard to save me and friends and family like you who supported me, we are where we are today. Ms. McLaren, would you join me up here, please?” Samuel said.

I smiled and stood up, not knowing why he’d called me to the stage. No one mentioned that we would have to say anything or even be recognized.

“Ms. McLaren is one of the winners of the new business grant thatThe Valentine Groupsponsored. She is a reflection of where we want this project to go. Also, I think someone else had something to say,” Samuel said and looked behind me.

I turned around and saw Morris getting down on one knee. I took in a deep breath and put both my hands over my heart.

“Yes!” I yelled before he even spoke.

The audience laughed.

“You don’t even know what I’m about to ask you,” Morris chuckled.

“I don’t care what you’re about to ask, help you tie your shoe or get some lint out of your beard, the answer is yes!”

“Cambria, I practiced this, so let me…” he motioned to the audience.

“Okay, but when you get finished, yes,” I smiled.

He shook his head before he started, “Cambria, I saw you for the first time in this very room almost three years ago. I couldn’t concentrate on anything else because I followed you around the room. Then we became neighbors, best friends, and lovers. You’ve nursed me back to health, taken care of the girls and me, built me up, and calmed me down. The girls and I…” Both girls appeared behind him. They looked so pretty in their black and white sequined dresses matching our color scheme. “…love you, and I want to know if you would be our family…” Several people stood up in the back of the room. I glanced back and saw all of Morris’ siblings and Pearline. “…and be my wife.”

He opened the velvet box that showcased a beautiful princess cut diamond. He took it out and passed the box to Skye.

“I can’t believe you did all of this, Baby,” I said as the tears ran down my face. I’d given up on holding them in once I saw the family stand.

“You deserve this and more,” Morris responded.