“Hey, Ms. McLaren,” Trip, the construction manager, spoke as I entered the building.

“Hi,” I said as I examined the progress that had been made since the last time I’d been there.

“It looks very different, doesn’t it?” Trip asked.

“It does,” I said, trying to fight back the tears that were stinging my eyes.

I couldn’t believe that I was standing in my very own business. I’d dreamt of it, but in the far reaches of my mind, I think I didn’t really figure it would happen. What person got discarded at birth, fought all of their life, then actually saw their dreams come true? I didn’t think it ever happened, but it was happening for me.

“Let me show you around so you can see everything that’s been done,” Trip said.

The five salons on the first floor had all the walls and doors installed, giving me a true feel for how it would all look when construction was finished. The plumbing for the sinks was installed. The second-floor salons were not as complete as the first floor, but all the walls were up. The custom iron railings installed were created by a black ironworker. He was able to incorporate theSuite Dreamslogo into the railing design. It was beautiful.

I Facetimed Tweet.

“Hey, you busy? I want to show you something,” I said when her face appeared on my screen.

“I’m in my office going over some things. What’s up?” she asked.

I didn’t respond immediately; instead, I examined her face trying to figure out what was different.

“What are you looking at?” she said and smoothed her hair down.

“I’m looking at the glow you have. What have you been up there doing? I guess the better question is who have you been doing up there,” I smiled.

She smiled, “I could ask you the same question.”

I chuckled, “Wouldn’t you like to know.”

“There’s something you need to tell me?” she said and sat up in her chair.

“Yes, I want to show you this…”

I reversed the camera on the phone and said, “Welcome toSuite Dreams.”

I walked through and showed her all the progress that had been made.

“Cam, it’s beautiful! I am so happy! When do you think you will be in?”

“Trip, the construction manager, said that we have another four or so weeks plus we have a couple more permits that we are waiting on. So maybe within six weeks, I will be doing hair atSuite Dreams!”

“I can’t wait to come back for the grand opening! It’s going to be huge!” Tweet said.

“I know! Are you bringing a plus one?”

“Probably…but for real, who has you walking around looking like a glow worm?” Tweet asked.

“So, I went out with Morris for his birthday…” I started as I filled Tweet in on everything.


“Hey,” Cam said after entering my apartment.

“Hey,” I responded, then placed a quick kiss on her lips. “You ready to deal with my family all day?”

“I am. I’m excited about it. You should be too.”

“I’m not.”