
After pulling into the circular driveway of the massive modern mansion, I helped the girls out of the truck and gave my keys to the valet. I pulled them to the side before we entered the residence and stooped down to their level.

“Remember we are here for a party, but these are daddy’s work friends. So, enjoy yourself but be on your best behavior. If you behave while we are here, we will stop on the way home and get ice cream. Sound like a plan?”

“Yes, sir,” Skye said.

“Yes, daddy,” Fee smiled.

Walking into the large foyer of the home, I saw people mingling, eating, and sitting. Averie, my boss’s girlfriend, greeted us at the door.

“Hi, Ms. Patterson,” I said.

“Hi, Morris. Who are these beautiful young ladies?” Averie said, smiling down at the girls.

“These are my daughters, Skylar and Phoenix. Skye and Fee, this is Ms. Patterson. She is one of daddy’s colleagues.”

“Hi, Ms. Patterson,” Skye smiled.

“Hi,” Fee replied distractedly. She was too busy looking around the house.

“I’m glad you all could make it,” Averie said.

“I’m glad it’s a celebration. This has been a trying time for all of us.”

“Who are you telling? But I heard you were over there atValentine Lawkicking a…” she paused and looked at the girls. “Kicking butt and taking names. Congrats onTheMeyers Corporation. That’s a huge contract.”

The Meyers Corporationwas the second-largest distributor of airplane parts in the world. I’d heard they were looking for new legal representation and shot my shot. They liked my pitch and chose to sign withValentine Law, making them the firm’s largest client.

“Thank you. I was pleased with the outcome. The speech that you gave right after everything happened is what really encouraged me to go after them.”

“Awww, Morris. Thank you. I’m sure Samuel will have plenty to say about your new clients as well.”

“Hey,” Averie started while getting down on the girls’ level. “There are some other kids here out in the bouncy house. I can take you out there if your dad doesn’t mind.”

Four brown eyes looked anxiously at me waiting for an answer.

“There is someone out there monitoring the kids, so they are safe,” Averie assured me.

“Okay, but when it’s time to eat, you will leave the play area without any fuss?” I asked.

“Yes, sir,” Skye answered.

“Yes,” Fee nodded enthusiastically.

Averie took the girls’ hands and led them to the play area. I followed behind them, speaking to some of my colleagues on the way.

“If you need your dad, tell one of the grownups, and they will come and get him okay?” Averie said to the girls.

“If you would just sign your name and the girls’ names on this form and provide your cell number, they can come in and play,” the worker said.

Leave it up to Samuel and Averie to have a daycare center at their party. I filled out the paperwork and passed it back to the worker.

“Alright, go ahead,” I said to the girls.

The girls ran straight for the bouncy house without looking back.

“Samuel is in the living room. I will show you where he is,” Averie said.