“Good, Keeva, what about you?” JD asked.
“We are good. Not perfect of course, but I’ve worked on controlling my questions, treating him like he is forgiven and moving forward. We did have a situation the other day,” Keeva answered.
“Oh, yeah? What happened?” JD asked.
“I told Kerem that I had kissed another man a couple months ago,” Keeva said.
That whole Kenny thing was honestly water under the bridge to me. I had no plans of discussing it in therapy. I was good.
“How did that go, Kerem?” JD asked.
“It went well,” I shrugged. “I knew that if I hadn’t done what I did, she wouldn’t have been in that situation. He took advantage of the situation too, but again, that was on me.”
“So, you know this person?” JD asked.
“Yeah, he’s a clown that she was friends with when we met. It was obvious to everyone except for Key that he wanted to be with her. She chose me and instead of him taking his loss like a man, he hung around, playing the friend and waiting for an in. After all these years, he found it, he took his shot and still lost.”
“If you knew he liked her, why did you let him stay around?” Elisa asked.
“Honestly?” I asked.
“Yes,” Elisa responded.
“I let him stay around so that he would remember who she chose and why. I liked rubbing his face in it,” I shrugged.
JD made a noise that sounded like a snicker but his facial expression didn’t change. Men understood each other.
“Keeva you didn’t know that the young man had romantic feelings for you?” Elisa asked.
“I honestly did not. I was so wrapped up in Kerem. I didn’t much notice anything else,” Keeva shrugged. “I know that sounds a little naïve, but it’s the truth.”
“I get it,” Elisa responded.
“How did the conversation go? Did you ask for forgiveness like we discussed before, Keeva?” Elisa asked.
“Yes, ma’am. I told the truth, although I was scared. Kerem and I discussed it…”
“I would say those were some of the best discussions we’ve ever had,” I added.
“Yes, I would agree,” Keeva smiled.
“We are still talking about verbal discussions, correct?” Elisa asked, looking at both of us.
We both chuckled.
“She asked for forgiveness, and I gave it without hesitation. I know the role I played in that situation so I won’t hold it against her nor will I bring it up again. That whole thing is dead to me. Now, Kenyatta, on the other hand…”
“He was out of line,” JD said. “I know I’m the counselor, but there is a code, and he broke it.”
“Exactly, code breakers get dealt with,” I confirmed.
“Correct!” JD said.
“Julian,” Elisa scolded.
She gave him the same look Keeva would give me when she felt I was out of line.
“What? I’m just saying,” JD finished, “Take your L like a man. Don’t try to weasel in after the fact.”