“I can’t come behind that with anything except everyone lift your glasses. Here’s to unlimited orga…” Kerem nudged me, and several people laughed. “Oh, mixed company, my bad. Here’s to lots of lovemaking, several babies, tons of money and weathering every storm together. To the bride and groom!”
The room said, “To the bride and groom.”
It’s almost time for our date. Are you ready to be blown away? – The Hubs
If you blow me away, I will blow you back. (eggplant emoji)
Damn, …it’s like that? – The Hubs
Fa sho.
Let me make sure this right then. I will be home to get you in 30 mins.– The Hubs
Kerem and I were following through on our promise to date each other. He’d planned another date for us but didn’t tell me where we were going. He’d left the house early to take care of some last minute details, according to him. I was dressed and anxiously awaiting his return. I couldn’t wait to find out where we were going. He’d done a great job on our last two dates so this one shouldn’t be any different.
I’d volunteered to plan the next one. I had no idea what I was going to do, but he had set the bar high. I had to make sure it was memorable.
Thirty minutes later, Kerem walked through the front door calling out for me.
“I’m back here,” I responded.
“Hey,” he smiled when he entered the bedroom, “are you ready to go? We have a little bit of a drive to get there.”
“I’m ready. Are you going to tell me where we are going now?”
“Even if I pout?” I asked while poking out my bottom lip.
He put his arms around my waist and pulled me close.
“You almost got me, but nope,” he chuckled. “Come on,” he reached for my hand and led me to the car.
He navigated the car out of our neighborhood and on to the highway towards Illinois. After we drove across the bridge and crossed into Illinois, I knew all of my guesses about where we were going were wrong.
“Oh, I got a call about the building,” Kerem started.
“The Carter?” I asked.
I’d started calling the commercial building we wanted to purchase for the youth center, the Carter, like New Jack City, having that building would change the game for me.
“Yeah, they accepted our offer.”
“WHAT! Kerem, shut-up!”
“I’m serious. It’s yours, Key.”
It felt like a dream. I’d wanted that building for years. I’d dreamt about all the things I wanted to happen in that building. My little dance studio, after-school program, summer programs, and free breakfast and lunch in the summer would become a reality.
“Are you happy?” Kerem asked after taking my hand and placing a kiss on the back of it.
“I’m thrilled.”
We talked about the next steps while we continued down the highway. I’d totally stopped trying to figure out where we were going until Kerem exited the highway onto a two-lane road that I’d never been on before.
We passed a sign that read Castle Hill Airport.