“I get it. I will work on it,” Keeva answered.
“We are here to help you build something bigger and better. You can consider us foundation specialists. We want to knock all of the remaining relationship structure down and start with the foundation,” Elisa said.
We both nodded.
“I do have some questions for you, Kerem. Some, you may be able to answer now and some you may have to think about an answer,” JD said.
“What did this affair mean to you?” JD asked.
“It didn’t mean anything to me. My feelings were never involved. I can’t deny that initially, I was attracted to her, but my feelings never came into play. Like I’ve told Key already, the only thing that I invested was my time.”
“Was there anything that you were able to express or experience with her that you couldn’t do with your wife?” Elisa asked.
“You can be honest, Reem,” Keeva said.
“No, but yes? I enjoyed the attention. Not that Key doesn’t show me attention, but it was a different type of attention. It wasn’t like we were on the same playing field but like she respected me for being where she is trying to go.”
“I don’t respect you, Reem?” Keeva asked.
“You do, Baby. It was just different.”
“Can I help you?” JD asked.
I nodded.
“Maybe since you two have been together and have built what you have together, sometimes the awe of the creation is lost on the creator? Meaning that you don’t ever really stand back to admire what you’ve built?” JD said.
“Oh, like, I know he is a boss and brilliant, but it’s old hat for me whereas some new chick will see it and be in awe?” Keeva asked.
“Exactly. It’s important for us to remember where we’ve come from and celebrate the journey,” Elisa said.
“Does that make the affair my fault because I didn’t big him up all the time?” Keeva asked.
“No!” we all answered together.
“Oh…” Keeva responded.
“Baby, my actions are not your fault,” I reassured her.
“No, they are not. Don’t try to find your place in what he did. We are asking questions to fix the foundation, remember?” JD added.
“What was it like when you went home after spending time with the woman?” Elisa asked.
“It was pure hell. I mean hell in my mind. I couldn’t focus because I knew I was dead wrong. I wrestled with telling Key and not telling her. She knew something was wrong and asked me, but I was too afraid to tell her the truth because I didn’t want to hurt her or leave her.”
“If you knew it was wrong, then why did you still communicate with her?” Keeva asked.
“Ego, pride, I knew I messed up and didn’t know how to fix it with her either?”
“You did break things off with her, correct?” JD asked.
“Yes, I did. I explained the whole situation, and I apologized.”
“Did she know that you were married?” JD asked.