“I’m fine…no, can I change my destination please?”


“4974 Cobblestone.”

“I got it,” he assured.

I sent Robin a text.

I’m on my way to your house.

What happened? – Bird

I will tell you when I get there.

* * *

“So, I threw the lemonade from the pitcher on her and called her a thirsty bitch,” I finished.

Robin and I were sitting on her sofa drinking brown liquor while I recapped my afternoon.

“Oh wait, this is Cam,” Robin said, answering her phone. “Hey Cam…yeah, she’s here…okay…come in.” She put her phone in her pocket, “Cam is here,” Robin finished.

Robin opened the door and let Cam in.

“Bitch!” Cam said after stepping into the room. “What the fuck? I had to lose my whole pitcher of lemonade on a thirsty bitch? Do you know how long I waited for them to press those gotdamn lemons to make that whole pitcher! Damn! I had a whole plan for it.”

“Not that good lemonade from the people behind the pavilion,” Robin said.

“Yes!” Cam said after pouring some liquor in a glass.

“I’m sorry. I’d thrown it before I realized it.”

“I’m just kidding. Seeing that shit was worth standing in line for an hour! She was drenched! The impact of the liquid on her face made her do a little swim stroke with her arms and step backward. The bitch was backstroking! I stood there in complete unbelief for a second. I couldn’t believe I’d lost my pitcher of lemonade and that my level-headed friend had gotten angry,” Cam laughed.

“What did Reem do?” Robin asked.

“He came running after me, but I was halfway down the street before he caught up to me.”

“And where were you walking to?” Cam chuckled.

“It’s not funny!” I chuckled too.

“No, that was comical as hell. I was still holding on to the pitcher because I didn’t want to put it down in the grass and knock it over. I was going to lay that bitch out. Then when I couldn’t put it down, I took it as a sign that it really is time for me to change my ways. Y’all know any other time, she would’ve been down before she made it to you,” Cam explained.

“No, you are right. I’m proud of you, friend.”

Cam had been working on her temper. It didn’t take a lot to get her all wound up. Once she was wound up, she didn’t unwind until someone was hurt.

After calming down, I realized how stupid the whole thing really was. There was a part of me that was intimidated by Tara. I think the intimidation was because she was the only woman who had ever, to my knowledge, gotten Kerem to step out on me. I kept wondering what it was about her that made him do it.

“I don’t know where I was walking! I wasn’t going to get far in these shoes, though. I know the Uber driver probably thought he’d happened upon a domestic violence scene or something. Kerem yelled at him and told him to leave. I shouldn’t have put him in that position.”

“Who? Kerem or the Uber driver?” Robin asked.

“Both,” I responded.

“True, that could have gotten bad for nothing. So now what?” Robin asked.