“Girl, whatever. They know I’m afraid so they always come over to where I am and try to touch me with their little broom thi…” Keeva paused mid-sentence.

Her eyes turned dark; her eyebrows nearly met in the center of her forehead as she locked in on something.

“Key, what…” I asked.

I thought maybe themoko jumbiewas back again. I turned around to find what had made her pause. My stomach dropped, and dread washed over me when I saw what she’d locked in on. It was Tara. Out of all the places in Saint Louis, she had to be in the same place we were.

Cam also saw who caught Keeva’s attention.

“That ain’t that bitch is it?” Cam asked.

“Did you know she was going to be here?” Key asked me through gritted teeth.

“No, I had no idea. I told you we haven’t been in contact,” I tried to explain.

“Take me home, Kerem.”

Keeva abruptly stood from her chair and started collecting her things when she paused again, looking behind me. I turned around just as Tara approached our area.

This wouldn’t end well. I already knew it. I was powerless to stop it.

“No this bitch ain’t,” Keeva said.

“It would appear that she is,” Cam answered.

“I just wanted to come over and apologize. I know that what happened shouldn’t have happened and…” Tara started.

“Kerem, get this bitch from in front of me before I go to jail for murder,” Keeva said through clenched teeth.

“Why would you come over here when I told you I didn’t want to deal with you anymore?” I asked Tara.

“I heard what you said, but I just wanted to say hi…” Tara started.

“Just like a side piece not to know her gotdamn place,” Cam seethed.

“Excuse you?” Tara asked.

“Naw, bitch excuse your ashy…” Cam started.

“Stay away from me and mine unless you want your ass whooped,” Keeva interrupted Cam.

“I’m not the bad per…”

Before she could finish her sentence, Keeva grabbed the pitcher of lemonade out of Cam’s hands and threw the entire thing in Tara’s face.

“Thirsty ass bitch!” Keeva said then turned and walked away toward the street.

I didn’t even turn around to see Tara’s reaction. I was too concerned with where Keeva was going. I knew that interaction wasn’t going to end well. I definitely didn’t factor in the whole pitcher of lemonade Cam was holding.

“You do stupid shit, stupid shit happens to you,” I heard Cam say behind me.



I heard Kerem calling behind me, but I was too angry to turn around and acknowledge him.

I can’t believe that bitch had the nerve to walk up to me like she didn’t sleep with my husband! Then tried to say something about her not being a bad person when she knew he was married. The bitch was gloating, and I should’ve kicked her ass. That lemonade pitcher wasn’t enough, but I had to do something. I couldn’t let her get away with that blatant disrespect.