I pulled my phone out of my purse and sent a quick text message.
Yes. I will go out with you.
“I just told him that I would go out with him,” I said while showing the phone to Cam.
“Good job, friend.”
“I’m scared.”
“I understand, and that’s okay and normal. Just see what he does. If it works for you, then go with it. If it doesn’t, then you will know it’s time to move on.”
Thank you, baby. Can I pick you up around 11 tomorrow morning? – The Hubs
“He said he wants to pick me up tomorrow morning. What should I say?” I asked Cam.
“Tell him, yes,” she responded.
Great! Dress comfortably. I can’t wait to spend some time with you. – The Hubs
She said yes to our date. After she left the house without giving me an answer, I thought she would say no. She said yes. That simple three letter word gave me hope. Hope that I’d actually could fix what I’d broken and make it work.
I had to come up with a memorable “first date” for us. At first, I was going to take her to her favorite restaurant, Untraditional, but that would be expected. I wanted to do something different. The African Arts Festival was in the park through the weekend. I thought we would make a day of it by going to the festival, visiting some of the vendors and seeing some of the live performances that they had every year.
I filled a cooler with all Key’s favorite drinks and filled a picnic basket with all her favorite foods and snacks. I packed the lawn chairs that I was using for furniture into my pick-up and drove around the corner to pick up my lady.
I arrived at the house, excited about the chance to spend the day with her. I planned to keep her out in the park for the day then bring her back home for another amazing evening of lovemaking. I wasn’t going to force anything, though. If she wasn’t feeling spending the evening together, I was okay with that. I wanted to make the most of the time we did spend together.
Keeva met me at the door wearing another short sundress. It was various hues of pink and looked amazing against her chocolate skin. I could tell she was braless underneath, making it hard for me to stop staring.
“What? Am I underdressed?” she asked.
I pulled my eyes away from her breasts to respond.
“No, you look amazing.”
“Thank you,” she smiled.
I offered my arm and led her down to my truck. We had a light conversation while I drove us to the park. The park was full of people having cook-outs, exercising, walking dogs, and enjoying all the amenities the park had to offer. We circled around the World’s Fair Pavilion area until we found a parking space close to the fountain near the pavilion.
“It’s such a beautiful day to be outside,” Keeva said after I opened her door.
She was right, it was a good day to hang out outside.
“Let’s check out the vendors before we find a spot to set up our chairs and blanket,” I suggested.
“We have chairs and a blanket?” Keeva asked.
“Yes, and food and drinks.”
“Wow,” she smiled.
“What? This is our first date. I had to make sure it was right,” I smiled.
I offered my hand, and she laced her fingers between mine. I walked into the pavilion feeling like the luckiest man on earth.