* * *



I turned around to face Kerem. I’d just finished getting dressed again. Before our second time, I had plenty of time to make it to my hair appointment, but now time was of the essence. I would be late if I didn’t hurry.

“I was wondering if I could take you out on a date?” Kerem said.

“A date?”

I don’t know why my stomach flipped when he asked that question, but it did.

“Kerem I don’t know…”

I answered while collecting the last of my things and packing them into the overnight bag Kerem had packed for me.

“I’ve spent so much time taking care of business and making sure our finances were stable that I dropped the ball on taking care of you. Let me try to fix this. Let me start by taking you out on a date. I went to Larenz and Bird’s house the other day for their marriage group…”

“Really? I asked you if you wanted to go to that a long time ago. You said…”

“No, I know,” he put both hands up in surrender. “I didn’t see the value in it, but now I do. They told me that my actions caused the death of our relationship as we know it, but we can build something new. I know it’s asking a lot, but before you make any final decisions about us, can we try and date again? I can’t lose you, Key.”

“I’m scared. I’m scared that I will let you back in, and you will hurt me again. How can I trust you?”

“I’m not asking for you to just hand over your trust. I know that it’s something I will have to earn, but I am willing to work to earn it again. Once I get it back, I will never lose it again. Please give me a chance. Our love is worth it.”


“Please, baby. I will do whatever it takes.”

I picked up my bag and started walking to the front door. Kerem took the bag from me and followed me out to my car.

He opened my car door then put my bag in the trunk before coming back to me.

“You can’t come back to the house. I’m not ready,” I said more to try to convince myself than to him.

“I’m not asking to come back home, although I want to. I will stay here. I won’t force you to move until you are ready.”

“I will think about it.”

“Cool,” he said, then placed a quick kiss on my lips.

After sex last night and twice this morning, that simple kiss had me wanting to cancel my hair appointment and follow him back into the house.

* * *

Idrove like a race car driver trying to make it to my appointment on time. I pulled onto the parking lot with four minutes to spare. After situating myself in Cam’s chair, I looked at her through the mirror. She was watching me intently.


“Where did you go after we left the concert last night?” she asked with one eyebrow raised.

“I went home, well…”

“I knew it! Somebody blew that back out last night! Was it Reem?” she asked in a hushed voice.

“Yep,” I smiled and nodded.