“The good ones always are,” Cam lamented.
Ezekiel stopped at a door with a gold star on it. He knocked and then stuck his head in.
“Lyr, the meet and greets are here,” Ezekiel said.
“I’m ready,” I heard Lyrica say on the other side of the door.
Ezekiel pushed the door open and stepped to the side. Lyrica stood on the other side wearing a long royal blue robe that reminded me of nineteen fifties women’s fashion. She wore a gold turban with a large crystal brooch in the center of it. She stood next to her husband, Obasi.
“Hi, Ladies,” Lyrica smiled and walked towards us.
None of us had moved to walk into the room. We hadn’t been invited to enter, and it felt like my feet were cemented to the ground. I didn’t think I could move if I wanted to.
“Hi,” we all choked out.
“Please, come in,” Lyrica said.
When Robin said we had backstage passes, I thought it was going to be a whole group of people standing in line to maybe shake Lyrica’s hand and get a picture taken or something. I had no idea that we would be the only people with her and that it would be so up close and personal.
After none of us moved, Lyrica said, “It’s okay, really. None of us bite, and we all showered today.”
Cam took the first step in, and we followed her lead. Walking the few steps into the room felt so cumbersome like I had on ankle weights or my shoe strings from opposite shoes were tied together, but I made it.
The moderately sized room had a large black leather sofa in one part of the room and various chairs and throw pillows scattered around for seating. There was a bar in the corner of the room with bottles of water and juice neatly lined up on the top. There were two bottles of wine in ice buckets next to the water and juice. There was a table set up next to the bar with various finger foods like cheese, crackers, vegetables, and fruit. The walls were filled with signed photos of famous people who, I assumed, either used the room or performed at the venue.
“Enjoy,” Ezekiel said as he left and closed the door behind him.
“This is my husband, Obasi,” Lyrica introduced.
“Ladies,” Obasi smiled his million dollar smile.
Obasi was a supermodel known for his smile, super melanated skin, and his abs. He had on a shirt, so we weren’t privy to the abs, but his smile and skin were perfect. He looked like a living Photoshop project.
“I’m Cambria, but my friends call me Cam,” she said and extended her hand to shake Obasi’s.
Bird and I followed Cam’s lead and introduced ourselves.
“Have a seat. We have some food and drinks,” Lyrica said. “I can’t do too much eating and drinking before I go onstage.”
“You get bubble guts?” Cam asked.
“Girl! Severe bubble guts!” Lyrica laughed. “Believe it or not, I still get very anxious before every concert.”
“Wow, that’s unbelievable,” I returned. “This will be my first time seeing you live, but from what I’ve seen in videos and on TV, you look very comfortable on stage.”
“Once I hit the stage and get past the first few words of the song or the first few dance steps, I usually settle down,” Lyrica explained. “I have so many good people around me who put a lot of energy into the prep before the show; from making sure that my dressing room is comfortable to ensuring that I see my son before I start the show. All of them are the ones that give me the confidence to put on a good show. Then when I hit the stage the energy from my fan-ily (fans + family) is incredible. The massive amount of energy that they create carries me through the show.”
“I hear entertainers say that about the energy from the crowd all the time. Is it really true?” I asked.
“It really is,” Lyrica answered. “They are so excited and paid money to see me perform. I, in turn, try to deliver the best show they’ve ever seen. I want them to feel that they’ve gotten their money’s worth.”
“That’s so cool,” I responded.
“What do you ladies do for a living?” Lyrica asked.
“I own two child care centers,” I answered.
“Have you always liked kids?” Lyrica asked.