“It was so nice of your boss to give us his seats to the baseball game,” I said to Kerem while getting settled in my seat at the Cardinals home baseball game.
“Yeah, he said he wasn’t going to be able to make it tonight, and he wanted these seats filled since they are on camera,” Kerem explained.
The Cardinals were playing the first game of the series against the Chicago Cubs, their arch-rivals. It was a highly anticipated series to Cardinal fans every year.
I wouldn’t say that I was a fan of baseball, but every child that was born in Saint Louis was given a Cardinals jersey coming out the womb and was taught the importance of cheering on the home team even if you had no idea of what was going on.
When I was young, my father took my sisters and I to games. While he would be busy watching the game, my sisters and I would be busy filling up on Cracker Jacks, hot dogs, peanuts and cotton candy. We never watched the entire game, but knew when to cheer.
“Reem, are you sure you’re okay? We could’ve stayed home if your stomach is still bothering you,” I said while rubbing his back.
He’d spent half the day in and out of the bathroom. He suffered from Hershey squirts brought on by nervousness. He had a severe case of squirts when he went on the interview for his current job that almost made him late to the interview. His bowels cooperated enough to get him through the interview and he landed the job. He didn’t have anything to be nervous about so he must’ve eaten something that didn’t agree with him.
“No, I’m fine. My stomach has calmed down,” he replied.
“Do you think it was something you ate?”
“Probably,” he quickly responded.
The seats were the closest seats I’d ever sat in at Busch Stadium. I’d never been so close to the field. Once the game began, we saw ourselves several times on the jumbotron because our seats were directly behind home plate.
During the commercial time out, (Kerem explained that since the game was live, sometimes they had to take extended breaks for commercials) they started the kiss cam game. I always thought it was so funny how people wouldn’t pay attention then find themselves surrounded by a neon heart on the screen being encouraged by strangers to kiss each other.
The kiss cam went around to several people who all played along and kissed each other for the cameras. Just as I looked down to put my empty plate on the ground, I heard the crowd burst out in a loud cheer.
I quickly looked up at the jumbotron and saw a man that looked just like Kerem on one knee. I jerked my head to my right, and there was Kerem on his knee, next to me holding open a white ring box.
I covered my mouth with my hands when I heard his voice echoing throughout the entire stadium.
“Keeva, I love you with all my heart. Will you let me replace that promise ring with this wedding ring? Will you marry me?”
The phrase, “Ohmygawdohmygawdohmygawd,” kept ringing in my head. I was way too shocked to speak, so I nodded yes with a huge grin and a river of tears running down my face. He put the ring on my finger, and we kissed.
The crowd erupted in applause again.
* * *
I’d made it to my house off sheer muscle memory. I’d reminisced the entire ride home. I walked into my empty house and looked around. I missed my husband, but I didn’t know what to do about that. I hoped that the trip to New York City would make me feel better or at least give me some clarity on what to do next.
“I’m glad you decided to make it,” Larenz said as I followed him into his house.
After talking to my dad, I decided to take Larenz up on his offer to attend his marriage group. If someone in the room could give me a little insight on how to move forward and heal my relationship, I would greatly appreciate it. All the discomfort of being the only single person in the room would all be worth it.
Larenz stopped at the entrance to the family room that was filled with several people I didn’t know and Bird.
“Hey everyone, this is my friend, Kerem. Kerem this is everyone,” Larenz announced.
“Hi,” I waved to the room.
“Hey, Reem,” Bird said after we hugged. “Come and get you some food. Have you been eating?”
“I’ve been eating,” I responded even though food was the last thing on my mind these days. I found myself frequently having to remind myself to eat.
I followed Bird to the food table and accepted the empty plate she offered me.