“You know when Larenz and I got back together after college, we went through a similar situation, right?”
I nodded quickly wanting her to hurry up and continue.
“When I did some self-reflection, you know after I burned his clothes and poured bleach in all his shoes, I realized that I’d dropped the ball too. There were some areas of the relationship that I held him to a higher standard than I held myself. Now, that didn’t give him a right to do what he did, but to move forward from it, we had to fix everything that was broken. I’m going to be brutally honest with you, Sis. You can’t get back what you and Kerem had. That’s over, so the emptiness that you feel is the same feeling as when someone dies because in essence, the relationship as you know it has died.”
Robin’s words rested on me like a ton of bricks. I literally felt heavier after she finished her sentence. Was my relationship as I’d known it really over? Is the feeling I’d experienced really grief?
“Then why would I even consider taking him back?” I asked as I fought to keep the tears at bay.
“Because you can make it better. It will take Kerem being sorry and examining himself. It will also take you being open to self-examination and forgiveness. I think you are a bomb wife. If I hadn’t been introduced to the life-changing effects of good dick, I would have wifed you up right out of high school.”
“Shut up,” I chuckled as I wiped my face. “You couldn’t afford me, Grinch.”
I had been so busy being pissed at Kerem that I hadn’t taken a moment of real self-reflection. My self-reflection was trying to figure out what Tara had that I didn’t.
Did I play some part in this whole situation? Was I not paying attention and that’s how this whole thing happened?
After leaving the restaurant, I trudged up the steps through my front door and threw myself on my couch.
I looked in the direction of my bar, thinking I would pour myself a drink. My stomach churned at the very thought of another drop of alcohol.
“Why me?” I asked out loud.
I waited for an answer but didn’t hear anything.
“Fine!” I said out loud again.
I navigated to the messages on my phone and sent Kerem a text message.
I won’t stop you from moving into the property. I will be working in the classrooms all next week to cover for Ms. Stone. She will be on vacation. You can come anytime during the day to get your things.
I reread the text about six times before I finally hit send.
The response came almost immediately.
Thank you, Baby. I’m still and will always be in love with you. – The Hubs
You’re welcome.
After Keeva gave me permission to move into our property, I hired a cleaning crew to clean it up and sent our property manager by to make sure everything worked. I moved in about a week later. I was happy to be out of the hotel, but I really wanted to be home. I knew home with Key was not going to happen right now, so I settled for living around the corner from her.
I trotted down the hall to the front door to see who was knocking. No one knew I was living here except a couple of people. It must’ve been someone with the wrong address.
I looked through the peephole and was surprised to see the person standing on the other side of the door.
Opening the door, I stood in the house face to face with my father. I had no idea who told him I was staying here.
“Kerem, you gone open the door or should we talk through the storm door?”
I quickly pushed to door open and stood to the side, allowing my dad to enter.
He slowly walked into the house, silently looking around. I closed the door behind him.
“Nice décor,” he chuckled.