“I enjoy our conversation and the way you make me laugh. I don’t want to ruin a great friendship behind us having sex. We can still be friends,” Tara said.
“No, we aren’t friends and can’t be friends. I love my wife more than life, and if I can get her to forgive me for all of this, then I will never even look in the direction of another woman.”
“I appreciate your commitment to your family. I will be around if you change your mind.”
“I won’t. Take care.”
I stood from the table and put down enough money to cover our drinks and a tip then I left.
“I’m coming over as soon as I get off work. Is Ken there already?” Averie asked.
I looked over at my youngest sister pouring her second or third, I lost count, shot of tequila.
“Yeah, she’s here. We will be here when you get here.”
“Alright, give me another hour or so,” Averie responded.
“Okay, bye.”
I tucked my phone in my pocket and accepted the full shot glass from Kenzie. I threw it back then sucked on an orange slice.
“Have you spoken to Reem?” Kenzie asked after sitting next to me on the couch.
This was the longest we’d gone without speaking to each other since we’d met twenty-two years ago. I missed him. I missed sharing with him. I missed talking to him, and I really missed making love to him. I wondered if he was spending time with Tara since he was free to do whatever he wanted. He’d said that it was over between him and Tara, but I wasn’t sure if I believed him.
I’d driven by Kerem’s job and saw his car parked in his space. I’d also driven by the hotel he was staying at and saw his car parked there too. I didn’t know what type of car Tara drove so I didn’t know if her car was there or not.
“I’m thinking about postponing the wedding,” Kenzie announced.
I sat up and looked at Kenzie, expecting to see a smirk or a smile on her face, but I didn’t find either.
“What are you talking about? We have a meeting with Mommy tomorrow to discuss the wedding.”
“That’s why I want to go ahead and make the decision now, so she doesn’t go into hyper mommy-planner mode.”
“The meeting is tomorrow, Ken. I’m sure it’s way too late. Hyper mommy-planner-mode is already in full effect,” I explained.
Kenzie shrugged and took another shot of tequila.
“Why would you want to do that? You and Travis are so in love with each other.”
“Exactly! I thought you and Reem were so in love too, but look at what happened! If y’all can’t make it, Travis and I have no hope.”
“That’s not true, Ken! Why would you say that?”
“Because it’s true! Travis and I have looked up to y’all’s relationship since we started ours. I knew your relationship wasn’t perfect, but I’d never thought in a million years that y’all would be here. Who would’ve thought that Reem would do this? He was the poster child for fidelity. This has thrown me into a tailspin, and I can’t figure out which way is up. I don’t want to make a mistake. We can wait.” Kenzie finished.
“Have you talked to Travis about this?” I asked.
“No, not yet,” Kenzie responded.
“Ken, please don’t make that decision because of my situation. I know all of this is messed up. I know that none of this makes sense, but in all of this chaos, you and Travis make all the sense in the world. I want to see my baby sister all dolled up walking down the aisle to a man that loves her, a man that I know will take care of her.”
“I thought that’s what I saw at your wedding! Do you remember how hard I cried?” Kenzie questioned.