“We can make it work. The person that you want to have access to the account will need to be here so we can get their information,” I said after typing gibberish into my computer for a few minutes.

“She’s waiting outside. Let me call her in,” Richard said.

He squinted his eyes and typed something into his phone. A few minutes later, a tap on the door was followed by a young, blonde, twenty-something woman walking into my office. Richard was sixty-one. I knew his age because it was listed on the account profile I had pulled up on my computer.

I shook my head and did my job, although I hated what I was doing.

After they left my office, I stood at the window thinking about the situation with Richard. My first thought was, “Key is not going to believe this.” Then I quickly remembered that she wasn’t talking to me.

Hey Stranger. I hope all is well – TR

I looked at the text that had just come through my phone and shook my head. As much as I was disgusted by Richard and his blatant disrespect for his wife, my judgment was misplaced. I hadn’t returned Tara’s text messages or phone calls, but I hadn’t blocked or deleted her number from my phone. I hadn’t had a conversation with her letting her know that we didn’t have anything. I was just as bad as Richard! I had to get this together.

Hey. Let’s meet at Georgio’s tonight for drinks if you are free.

Is 7 okay? - TR

It works for me.

* * *

“Hi, stranger. I was surprised to receive your invitation,” Tara said after sitting down in the seat across from me. How are you?”

I looked up at her then back down at my almost empty glass of bourbon.

“Things are bad.”

“I need to order a drink before you continue, huh?” Tara asked.

I shrugged.

She motioned for the waitress to come over and placed her order for a glass of red wine. The waitress returned several minutes later with her drink. Tara took a sip then looked at me.

“Bad how?” she questioned.

“First, I want to apologize to you because I should’ve never let our interactions go beyond anything platonic.”


“No, Tara. I shoulder the responsibility for this whole thing. I knew better, but I did it anyway.”

“It’s not a bad thing to express your feelings for a friend through intimacy, Kerem.”

“That’s not what that was Tara. It was not some grand gesture of us taking a relationship to the next level. It was just sex.”

Her eyebrows scrunched together in a look of confusion.

“Just sex?”

“Yes, I love my wife. I loved her when I came to your house knowing good and damn well what I was getting myself into. It’s on me, and I can’t let that happen again. We have to end our communication.”

“You acted like you enjoyed it. You performed like you enjoyed.”

“That’s the thing, Tara, I didn’t. Even if I had, we would still be having the same conversation. I knew it was wrong and I knew as soon as it was over that I’d fucked up. That’s why I haven’t returned your calls or texts. I can’t because my wife found out which hurt her. That’s not something that I ever wanted to do.”

“You can’t control who you are attracted to. The connection between us is undeniable.”

“It’s completely deniable. The connection that you speak of isn’t built on anything solid. I have a strong foundation with my wife, and I don’t want to lose that.”