“This is Keeva Abernathy,” I said after connecting the call.

“I guess you just weren’t going to call me, huh?” Kenny responded.

“I hadn’t decided yet,” I answered truthfully.

“Still the same ol’ Kiki.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means that you should have called me like I asked you to today just like you should’ve called me like I asked you to almost twenty years ago.”

“You didn’t ask…” I started.

“It’s water under the bridge. So apparently you have two daycare centers, and I called the wrong one looking for you. The lady that answered told me that I could contact you for business related questions at this number,” Kenny explained.

“You must’ve told her you were a parent?”

“I said I was interested in the center and had some questions.”

“I need to do some better training on when and when not to give out my number,” I chuckled.

“Can you talk or is this a bad time? Kerem won’t mind will he?”

“I can talk.”

“Are you going to tell me what he did to you are you going to make me guess? I could tell you were sad today. It’s been a long time, but your eyes haven’t changed. I can still tell when things are not right. Plus you didn’t go into a whole spiel about how wonderful he is like you used to.”

“Maybe I’ve just grown up.”

“Maybe you can stop avoiding the question and answer me? Can I FaceTime you or is it not a good idea?”

“I’m alone. I will FaceTime you on my other phone.”

We disconnected the call. I retrieved his business card and dialed the number. His smiling face appeared on my screen.

“Oh, you weren’t planning on doing anything else tonight, huh? Your hair is all wrapped up, lashes off. Is your bra still on?”

“Of course not! You know that’s the first thing that goes!” I laughed.

His head was resting on his tattooed arm. He looked relaxed, as well.

“Where are you?”

“At mom’s house. In my old bedroom.”

“Did she keep it the way you left it?”

“Man naw, I wasn’t even out of the front door good before she converted this to a craft room. She got rid of my TLC, EnVogue and 702 posters.”

“Dang she got rid of all your lil girlfriends. If those posters could talk, right?”

“Shut up, Kiki. How are Averie and Ken, doing? I know you said Ken is getting married.”

“Both are well. Averie’s fiancé is a lawyer, Samuel Valentine, you may have heard of him.”

“The same Valentine that was falsely incarcerated some years ago?”

“Yep, that’s him.”