“When did you have the dream?”

“About six weeks ago.”

“And you didn’t say anything?”

“I wanted to wait for you to tell me. Congratulations. I am so happy!”

She hugged Averie then hugged me.

“Now you have so I can show you what I got.”

She jumped up from her chair and went into the other room. She came back into the room with a bassinet on wheels filled with yellow and white clothes, and she carried a diaper bag on her arm.



Both Averie and I spoke at the same time.

“What! I need to get my stuff early. I’m fixing up the room next to mine for my grandbaby because I plan on having frequent sleepovers. That’s why I asked Estelle to dinner because we will have to work out a schedule.”

Both Averie and I laughed.

“This poor kid and his grammies!”


“What the heck!”I yelled.

I stared at the list of emails I’d received.

“What’s wrong?” Liddy ran into the office.

“I’ve got all these declined transactions on the business account. Something is going on, and I can’t get in touch with Freda.”

“Here, let me try and call her secretary,” Liddy said rushing out the office.

She returned a few minutes later.

“Vee, no one has seen Freda.”

“What do you mean no one has seen Freda?”

“Like they are looking for her too. It is complete chaos in her office, and more than one account is having the same problem.”

My email alerts were ringing so often that I had to mute my computer, so I could think.

I logged into my bank account to see exactly what was happening. I typed in my username and password. Big red words flashed on the screen: Access Denied.

“What in the entire hell!”

I tried the password again. Same result.

I dialed the bank’s number and answered all the stupid voice prompts before I was finally connected to a real person.

I gave her all the same information that I gave the voice prompts before she politely said, “How may I help you, Ms. Patterson?”

“I’ve received several emails stating that there are insufficient funds in my business account to cover the transactions then when I tried to get to my account online, it said my access was denied.”