“Tell me about your inn. I love cozy hotels.”

“Winterborne is an old house that all the people in town were scared of for years. Wes and I fell in love with the house and the property saying one day we wanted to own it. I got the opportunity to purchase it so I did. The house was built by a former slave for his family who still owned it until I purchased it. It has seven guest rooms.”

“Wow, congratulations.”

“Thank you. I went through several months of renovations changing it enough to make it nice but not taking away from the original charm. My father in law, Big Wes and Wesley were both so supportive during the process. I thought seeing the completed result would be the best part, but the best part was getting my love back,” she smiled at Wes.

I watched Samuel. He was engaged in the conversation, but he wasn’t connected.

“Dinner is served,” the chef announced when he entered the room.

We feasted on the dinner of swordfish and fresh vegetables. It was delicious. After dinner, Wesley and Charli cleared the table, leaving El and me alone for a few minutes.

“What’s bothering you? She seems nice.”

“She is very nice. That bothers me. The last time I saw him he was still tinkering around with Diamond and then the next time we see each other, he’s engaged? I just don’t want him out here making reckless moves and hurting people.”

“I hear you, but they seem to be in love. I think it’s beautiful.”

“Yeah, I just need to holla at him for a minute. You don’t mind, do you?”

“No. Not at all. I will hang out with Charli until you’re done.”

“Aye, El. You want to come down and have a drink with me?” Wesley called from the kitchen.

“Sounds good. Not too much, though. We another game tomorrow,” Samuel replied.

El followed Wes out of the room leaving Charli and me alone.

“Would you like some lavender and chamomile tea? I usually drink some to help me unwind at the end of the day,” Charli offered.

“That sounds good.”

I followed her into the kitchen. She busied herself with retrieving two oblong canisters and teacups. I watched her put water in a kettle then place the loose lea into a pot that would steep the tea.

“What do you do for a living? If you don’t mind me asking,” she said while moving around the kitchen.

“I’m an attorney. That’s how Samuel and I met.”

“Wesley and I hadn’t been together for almost fifteen years. I didn’t know much about his life now, but as he tells me about it, it’s clear that Samuel is a huge influence. We stayed texting and calling you for updates on his condition. How has he been since the shooting?”

“Yes, I remember and thank you. He’s so much better. I thought I was going to lose him, but I didn’t. For that, I am very grateful.”

She passed me a small cup of tea.

“This smells amazing,” I said as I took a sip, “And it’s delicious.”

“Thank you. It’s my own blend. I order it from a couple of different companies and then mix it together myself. I can send you home with a canister if you like?”

“That is so generous, thank you.”

“No problem.”

“It really does help me wind down. I use this and a little bit of peppermint oil on my wrists. Both Wes and I sleep well.”

“I wish I would have known about this while El was in the hospital. I didn’t sleep at all.”

“How are his scars healing?”