“Grits are not supposed to be sweet!” I challenged. “It’s not dessert!”
“Who wants that texture in their mouth without sugar? Yuck! Yes, you would be the sacrificial lawyer. We can’t have you perpetuating the savory grits fraud.”
“Lucky for me, I guess, we don’t have to decide. Are you hungry? Would you like to eat now?”
“Does a smart person put sugar on their grits?” She snickered.
“Come on let’s see what food they prepared.”
I led her down the dimly lit hall to the break room area. I opened the refrigerator and pulled out a large aluminum tray and sat it on the counter. I went back in and pulled out two more.
“Let’s see, this is baked chicken, mashed potatoes, and green beans. The microwave may work.”
“I don’t need the microwave, where are the plates or we can go caveman style and eat from these pans with forks.”
I passed her a plate. We both filled them then went back to my office.
“Do you have any comfort liquor likeHennessyorCourvoisier?You know something that makes you want to wrap up in a blanket and watch old movies?”
I went to the panel on the wall and tapped it revealing my bar.
“Yasss!” she smiled and snapped her fingers.
We fixed drinks and settled down to wait out the electrical repairs.
“You are single, correct?” She asked me after we finished eating.
“Yes, I am.”
“By choice or did you run everyone away?”
“By choice,” I laughed. “I know how to act right if necessary.”
She raised one of her eyebrows looking at me with skepticism.
“After I was released from prison, my life started moving rather quickly. I went to law school, graduated early and started working with Louis Flowers. He passed and left this firm to me. I’ve worked hard at making this law firm what it is which means I don’t have a lot of time for extracurricular activities and most women I meet don’t understand my grind. It’s a choice. It’s one less thing I have to worry about,” I shrugged.
“You haven’t had a serious relationship since you were released from prison?”
“I’ve had relationships, but they didn’t last once they learned my schedule and where they fell on my list of priorities.”
“Damn, where did they fall on your list of priorities?”
“At least fourth.”
“Fourth! Chicks stuck around for that?”
“No, not usually,” I answered honestly. “I did have something with one woman who seemed to understand my grind, but she was…is married.”
“Married? So, you were the side dick?”
“I didn’t know there was a term for it.”
“I just made it up, but it fits, right?”
“I guess I was,” I smiled. “I didn’t know she was married.”
She side eyed me, “You didn’t know?”