“You won’t fight my decision or second guess my tactics?”
He stood from the couch and walked to the chair I was sitting in. He got down on one knee and said, “I promise not to second guess your tactics or fight your decisions. I will support you from my position as second chair and give you full authority over everyone employed by my firm to help you in any capacity you deem necessary. Ms. Averie G Patterson, will you please take first chair in the case?”
He was drunk, but it was still so cute and uncharacteristic of the Alpha male, Samuel Valentine, that I couldn’t help but smile.
“I will save your family, Samuel.”
“Thank you, Averie,” he said as he stood and sat back on the couch.
“Can you call a meeting with the team first thing tomorrow? I will need to see everyone who has touched this case all the way down to the mail room attendant who dropped off the evidence boxes.”
“I can make that happen.”
He pulled out his cellphone and typed on it then looked back at me.
“Done. Anything else?”
“Yes, did you drive?”
I looked at the empty cognac bottle and back to him.
“Get comfortable, Sir. I won’t let you drive intoxicated. Pass me your keys.”
He reached into his pocket and produced a key fob.
“I will make some coffee.”
I went into the kitchen and filled my kettle with water to prepare some coffee in my coffee press. I waited for it to boil and went through the steps to prepare Samuel a cup. I returned to the living room with a mug and found him with his shoes, tie and jacket off, sleeping soundly. I grabbed the blanket from the basket next to my couch and put it over him. He looked so peaceful compared to the stressed-out man who’d just laid all his cards on the table.
I stayed up all night strategizing for the meeting in the morning. I’d made a promise I was going to save the Valentine family, and I planned on making good on my promise. The next morning, I heard light taps on my bedroom door. I climbed out of bed and put my robe on before opening the door.
“Good morning,” Samuel smiled. “I need my keys, please.”
I forgot to leave them out for him.
“Sorry,” I said while reaching into the pocket of the sweater I wore last night to retrieve his key.
“Thank you for listening and for agreeing to handle the case. Gretchen has contacted everyone you requested to see. We will meet you in the conference room at nine this morning.”
“No regrets about asking me to take over first chair?”
“None. I stand by everything I said last night.”
“Do you remember everything you said last night?”
“Would you like for me to repeat them?”
He motioned like he was getting down on his knee again.
“No! Samuel, stop it!” I laughed while holding on to his arm to prevent him from getting on his knee.
“I’ll do it again!” He laughed with me.
I stepped out of my room to follow him to the front door.
“Thanks for the couch. It was surprisingly comfortable.”