Page 6 of Harmony

“You know it was. I just have to breathe through his shenanigans, or I’ll have a stroke in here.”

“You do. You know you don’t always have to take Terry’s call. It is possible to love your people from a distance," Camilla said.

“I know. You’ve said that before. What’s up?”

“This probably isn’t the best time, but I need a huge favor.”

“What’s up?”

“I need help with the festival.”

“I told you I would help. What do you need?”

“I need for you to work with Mr. Mills and Mr. Ves…”


I quickly pushed back from the desk and stood up. After folding my arms in front of me, I turned to Camilla and said, “No.”


“Don’t Mads me! I’m not working with Vesey, period!”

I felt the beginning of a massive headache brewing.

“You said if I needed help…”

“Don’t do that, Camilla. I’m willing to help with décor, ushering, or even cleaning up afterward.”

“Our piano player reneged on us. We can’t find someone at the last minute, plus the budget…”

“Have you asked how much someone would charge? Can’t the PTA do another donut sale or something to cover it?”

“Anyone working with our children must undergo a series of background checks. That takes time. Time, we don’t have. I can’t ask the parents to raise another single cent. They’ve done so much this year.”

“Camilla,” I whined.

“The kids need you, Ms. Stevenson. Do it for them.”

The pressure in my head was increasing with every word Camilla said.

After looking at the wall clock in the back of the classroom, I said, “I have to go. My class' recess is almost over.”

“Will you at least think about it?”

“No. Camilla. That’s my answer. Sorry.”

* * *

“You said no for real?”My best friend, Marigold, said.

“I did! Momma taught me that no is an answer, just like yes is. I’m not doing anything that makes me uncomfortable.”

“Not even for the kids?”

“Not even for the kids. I don’t want to work with Tiberius Vesey. I told you what happened.”

“Mads, that was over three years ago. You have to let that go. You’ve loved every kindergarten class you’ve had, and the kids love you. Hell, the parents shower you with gifts like you’re Mother Teresa or somebody.”