Page 2 of Fischer's Catch

“I already ate,” I blurt out and want to smack my own forehead. Dumb.The hottest guy you’ve ever met just asked you out and you have the lamest reply,I hiss to myself, realizing he’s flirting with me. Or maybe my exhausted mind is playing tricks on me? It doesn’t matter. No wonder I’m a twenty-six-year-old virgin.

“What about tomorrow night? Are you free then?” he asks, and I nod my head yes before my mouth has the chance to screw this up for me.

“Yes. But you have to let me pay,” I insist and realize he’s still holding my hand. When I give it a tug, his warm grasp tightens slightly, refusing to release the hold. “Since I ate your dinner and all,” I add as an afterthought.

“We’ll talk about it tomorrow night.” He leans close to kiss my cheek. “Does six pm work for you?”

“Sounds great,” I manage to squeak out as electricity flows through my nerves from the feel of his warm lips against my skin.

“I’ll see you then, little thief.”

“Bye.” After closing the door, I lean against it and wonder if I’m dreaming. It suddenly hits me that I forgot to tell him I’m his sister’s new partner. Oh well, we’ll have plenty of time to get to know each other when he takes me to dinner.



Fuck me. I watch the door across the hall close and force myself to walk away from the little thief. I’m pretty sure Maddie not only stole my dinner, but the curvy blonde also made off with my heart.

Earlier, when she opened the door, my anger instantly evaporated as I stared down into the most stunning blue eyes I’d ever seen. Warnings that my single days are numbered blared through my mind as my eyes slowly moved from the top of her curly blonde hair, over her delicate heart-shaped face and full pouty lips, then down her luscious body. As I took in her delectable curves, my mouth watered while my cock turned to stone in my dress pants. I have no idea what I even said to her after she blew my mind.

I make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to replace my missing dinner and then sit in my living room and attempt to go over my notes for tomorrow’s hearing. With Adam, my associate, out of town for a trial, all this shit is falling on my head.

My client, Mr. Rouse, assaulted the man who had been stalking his daughter. He admits his crime but doesn’t feel he should be prosecuted for doing law enforcement’s job. It’s hard to argue with the middle-aged man, but I’m not sure if the judge will feel the same way.

Jude Despora, the head partner at the Despora Law Firm, asked me to take this case since I’ve taken over the criminal division at the firm. We would normally turn down the minor case, but the defendant is Jude’s old high school teacher.

My phone buzzes and I look down to see Jude’s name flash across the screen. Speak of the devil. “Hello,” I answer.

“Are you ready for tomorrow?” He sighs. “I’ll be happy when this shit is over.”

“I’m about fifty percent sure we can get him off with just a little bit of probation and maybe community service,” I tell him honestly. “If he chooses to remain silent and let me do my job,” I add. That’s going to be the hard part.

“Thank you for taking this shitshow off my hands. I owe you one.”

“You owe me a big one,” I agree before hanging up.

When my phone buzzes a few seconds later, I wonder what my boss wants now. Glancing down, I see my little sister’s smiling face and suddenly realize I forgot to call her back earlier. “Hi,” I answer.

“Are you avoiding me?” Allie whines. “I can’t believe I’ve been in Silver Spoon Falls for a month, and we still haven’t seen each other.”

My little sister moved to town at the absolute worst time. I’m buried in cases and don’t have time to breathe. “I’m sorry,” I admit. “I’ve been so fucking busy, but I promise to make time to see you soon.”

“I’m going to hold you to that,” Allie growls. “I want you to meet my business partner. I think you’ll really like her.” Fuck my life. That sounds suspiciously like my sister is trying to set me up. My entire family is driving me nuts with their obsession with finding a woman for me.

“I would love to meet her since she’s working with you, but I’m not interested in a relationship with her,” I inform my sister. She’s too late anyway. I already met my soulmate a little while ago. Now, I have to find the time to woo Maddie and make her mine forever.

I keep this information to myself, knowing my sister would blab to my entire family, and I don’t want to spend the foreseeable future fielding calls from my nosy relatives. There will be plenty of time to tell them once I cement things with my girl.

The next day, I get lucky. The hearing goes better than expected. Judge Hamilton takes pity on Mr. Rouse and sentences him to time served and a year of probation. He also orders Sheriff Armstrong to investigate the stalking incident.

On my way back to the office, I decide to surprise my sister and stop in at Gatsby Books. I know she doesn’t open for another week, but I want to earn some “good big brother” points. Plus, I really do miss the little shit.



Ispend the next morning trying to figure out how to tell Allie that I met her brother. And I think I might be in love with him.