Page 14 of D*cked By Daddy

He tosses the cloth to the side and pulls his pants back on before climbing back into bed. We snuggle together and pull the covers up to our chins while we look at each other in the soft glow of the moon coming in through the french doors.

“I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you,” I tell him, not even trying to hide the stupid smile that comes across my face.

His eyes scan my face, and one hand runs through the tangles in my hair. He smiles, his little dimple popping as he does.

“I don’t know what I did to deserve you, princess,” he says before giving me a soft kiss.

“Something huge because I’m actually a huge fucking catch,” I joke.

He laughs and pulls me tighter against him.

In a few short months, we’ll be back here again but to get married. It sends butterflies flying through my stomach and up into my chest. I can’t wait to marry this man. I’m going to spend the rest of my life with him, making memories, being a friend to his kids—and a parent when they need it—and loving on that sweet furball that’s currently getting spoiled downstairs.

“What are you thinking about?” he asks, his voice heavy with sleep already.

“How amazing our life is going to be together,” I say, kissing the soft hair on his chest.

He hums in agreement.

“I’m so grateful for you,” he says. “And I appreciate you and everything you do for me and the kids.” He kisses the top of my head. “You’re my person. And I won’t leave you ten seasons from now like Christina did to Meredith.”

“Someone has been paying attention to Grey’s Anatomy even though he says he isn’t!” I singsong.

“Hush,” he tells me. “Leave me alone. It sucks you in.”

“Well,” I say, laughing. “You’re my person, too. And I’m so glad I get to keep you forever.”

I lie there, listening to the soft beating of his heart, and daydream about the wedding. I hope it snows, and I hope Scout is well-behaved enough to be a part of it. I can’t wait to see Nick all dressed up, waiting for me on the far end of the deck while our closest family members get to see me in my wedding dress.

I wonder if he’ll cry. Probably not. Doesn’t really seem like a Nick thing to do.

Smiling to myself, I roll over and get comfortable enough to fall asleep. I kiss his arm that wraps around my chest and drift off, dreaming about our wedding the entire night.

“I think I burned the turkey!” I cry out as I quickly try to pull it from the oven. I’ve never made a turkey in my life, so why in the hell did I decide to try and do it for the first time for Thanksgiving?

“You didn’t burn it, baby,” Nick says, jogging up behind me to help me take it out. “It’s fine. The skin will just be a little crispy. And who doesn’t like crispy skin?”

“I like crispy skin,” Henry says from the island behind us.

“Same!” Charlotte announces, walking into the room wearing a turkey onesie.

I burst out laughing.

“What the hell are you wearing, and why don’t I have one?” I ask her.

“Oh, you do,” she says with a grin. “I put it on you guys’ bed. You’re welcome!”

She flops down onto the couch, and I am genuinely ecstatic that she got me one. I’ve never owned a onesie, but they’ve always looked so freaking comfy.

“I know you’re chomping at the bit to go put that damn thing on,” Nick says, laughing at my excited expression. “Go put it on, you nerd,” he tells me. “I can hold down the kitchen for a few minutes.”

I kiss his cheek and run into the bedroom. It’s chilly in the rest of the house since the kitchen is doing a great job of heating up the living area. It’s snowing outside today, giving everything a clean and cozy feel.

Quickly tossing my clothes off and into the hamper, I eagerly pull on the turkey onesie Charlotte got me. It fits perfectly, thank God. There was a part of me that was a little nervous it would be too small. I pull the hood up over my hair and then run back down the hall, sliding into the kitchen on padded feet.

“My God,” Nick says, looking me over. “I didn’t think you could get any sexier, but damn…you’ve proved me wrong.”

I laugh out loud as he pulls me in for a bear hug, lifting me off my feet and spinning me around in the kitchen. He kisses me hard, and I blush from the top of my head down to my toes.