Page 33 of My Summer Fling

“We did. I’ve known Millie here since she was, what? Five?”

She sinks down into the booth and throws her legs over my thighs before nodding and taking a drink of her Coke. No more alcohol for that one for a while. I think she’s scarred from the experience the other night.

“She was attached to both my hip and Teddy’s for our entire childhood. Running around all summer with her braided pigtails and freckles.” I run my fingers across her shins in little circles under the table, and I don’t miss Tiffany’s smile when she sees. Maybe she’s rooting for me here.

“Teddy would never let you two leave me behind,” Millie says. “Even though one time you tried to lose me when we were playing hide-and-seek with the other kids in the neighborhood.”

“I did no such thing!”

“Yes, you did!” She laughs. “I was still too young to understand that boys can be assholes. You both put me in a hiding spot, telling me it was the best one and that you’d come back and get me, and I stayed there for anhourwaiting for you assholes to come back.”

Everyone laughs at her story. Did we do that? Fuck, I can’t remember. It does kind of sound like something I would do.

“But you also invited me to all your movie nights,” she says, smiling over at me like she’s enjoying the memories now. “And you always had my favorite popcorn at your house, topping it with chocolate chips while it was still warm so it all melted together.”

Her favorite snack. Salty, extra buttery popcorn with melted chocolate chips. She still eats it about once a week and the smell always reminds me of our movie nights. I would always try to make sure she had room on the couch next to me instead of her brother. Even when I was ten I had a little crush on her. And by the time we were teenagers …woof.

I had to remind myself daily that she was my best friend’s little sister and not just another girl I was allowed to have a crush on. Even though there were definitely moments when I thought about saying fuck it and going for it. Which, clearly I did once she turned eighteen. And again now …


“And I’d just like to be the one to address the elephant in the room,” Tiffany suddenly says. I notice all the color drain from Millie’s face. “Because clearly you two”—she points her finger between the two of us—“have a little something extra going on now. So how does Teddy feel about that?”

Roman bursts out laughing, and it’s so loud that the surrounding tables glance over in our direction.

“Bold,” he says between laughter, throwing his arm around Tiffany’s shoulders. She blushes but leans into it. “I like it.”

“He doesn’t know. And you know he doesn’t know,” Millie says through gritted teeth. Her entire chest, neck, and face has bloomed the prettiest color pink. She lets her legs fall off mine and starts to scoot farther away from me. But she isn’t getting off that easy.

“Out in the open now, Mills,” I tell her, wrapping her in my arms and pulling her over to me. I kiss the top of her head and she groans.

“Maybe I do need a drink,” she murmurs. She pulls herself out of my arms. “He doesn’t know. And he isn’t going to know.” She holds her hands up like that’s that, and there’s no more discussing it. But I don’t like that answer because that means she isn’t looking to the future. She has a time limit on us.

I really don’t like that.

“I think you’re both forgetting that Teddy is a grown ass adult,” Tiffany tells us both.

“I think everyone’s forgetting that Teddy is protective as fuck of his little sister. I’ve heard the way he talks about you, Millie. Noah better do some serious groveling if y’all decide for this to continue.”

“Thanks Roman,” I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes and swallowing down the rest of my beer. “Next round is on me if we all promise to change the subject.”

They laugh but agree.

I head to the bar and notice Millie following behind me. But instead of joining me she heads off to the bathroom. I can’t help myself. I follow her.

She walks in and I wait a minute to see if anyone else will walk out. When no one does, I step inside. I don’t see any other feet under any stall and my girl is standing alone at the sinks. I lock the bathroom door and walk over to her. She just rolls her eyes when she sees me.

“Can I help you?” She tries to make her voice sound annoyed but I know better. Her eyes are bloodshot and I can tell there’s a wobble in her voice.

I stand behind her and turn her so that I can pull her in for a hug.

“What’s wrong, princess?” I run my fingers through the soft waves of her hair as she wraps her arms around my torso. It feels good to know that she’s letting me give her some comfort.

“Just a lot. I’ve been worried about what we’re doing and how it’s going to play out. And if Teddy does find out, I’m a little worried he might kill you.” She laughs softly against my chest.

I sigh and kiss the top of her head. I’ve been worried about this. She hasn’t talked to me about how Teddy would react if he were to find out.

“It’ll be okay, Millie.” I try to reassure her but I honestly don’t know what to do here. We’re both in uncharted territory, and I don’t have the answers she wants and needs.