Page 29 of My Summer Fling

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She meetsme in the kitchen once the scent of the coffee makes its way back to the bedroom. Annie is inside now, lying on the floor at my feet while I grab all the ingredients for pancakes.

“Bacon or sausage?” I ask Millie.


She’s changed out of her pajamas and into one of my T-shirts. She’s been doing this lately, preferring to be in my T-shirts that are too big for her instead of her own pajamas. And I won’t lie, it makes my ego swell. I love seeing her in my clothes.

“Thanks for the good morning orgasm,” she says before jumping up on the counter next to where I’m getting ready to cook. She takes a sip of her coffee and smiles at me.

“You’re welcome.” I kiss her nose and get to work.

“So, about last night,” she broaches, seeming a bit hesitant to talk about it. Which, to be fair, I am too. I don’t really want to go there right now. The morning is off to such a good start. I don’t think I’m ready to talk about the shit she wanted to talk about last night.

“What about it?” I ask her as I spread the bacon out on a baking sheet.

“How bad was I?” she asks. When I look up at her, she’s avoiding eye contact and her entire face is beet red.

I give her a questioning look because I’m not sure where she’s going with this line of questioning, and I don’t really want to remind her of something she may not actually remember.

“I, uh—well, I don’t really remember much. I had alotof tequila.” She laughs and then winces, rubbing her forehead.

I take the couple of steps over to her and situate myself between her thighs, taking her coffee and placing it down next to her. I take her face in my hands and kiss her. She leans into me and the kiss deepens.

“You were adorable, actually,” I tell her after I break the kiss. “Although,” I say, moving back to where all the food is. “I will say you had me seeing red when I walked into the bar to get you.”

“Why?” she looks genuinely confused as she continues to nurse that huge cup of coffee.

“You were dancing with other men.” My voice comes out a bit rougher than I intended it to.


“I was ready to fight every man in that bar that looked at you. Especially the bartender who so kindly told you he’d drive you home.” I give her a look and she has the decency to look embarrassed about it all, which soothes my wounds.

“I—I was just venting to Tiffany, and then one drink led to another and suddenly we were in a bar, and honestly that’s all I really remember. Until I woke up with you between my thighs.”

“Pretty great way to wake up, right?” I wink at her and she laughs. “You were fine, Millie. What are friends-with-benefits for if not to pick your wasted ass up in the middle of the night.”

Her shoulders relax.

So do mine. We don’t have to talk about our past … yet.

“And … my clothes? You changed me?”

“And bathed you.”

“Christ, that’s embarrassing,” she says as she rolls her eyes. “No more drinking for a long, long time. My head feels like it’s going to explode.”

“Well, last night you said you wanted to lie around all day and order food. Still want to do that? We can nurse your hangover and let you rest all day.”

“That honestly sounds awesome.” She sighs.

I lean over and kiss her hair. If comfort had a smell, it would be all Millie.

“Go get some cuddles in with Annie on the couch. I’ll bring breakfast over when it’s ready.”

She slides off the counter and hugs me from behind, her head resting on my back for a minute. It’s a quiet moment that we share together. I run my hands over her forearms. I think we’re both trying to say a lot right now—things that neither of us knows how to say out loud.