Over the next hour, we all walked around my property and scoped out the best part of my private beach to set everything up. There were certain things we needed to keep in mind, like how many poles we could have in the sand at any one time, and how we’d occupy the guests between the ceremony and the reception while Teddy and Beth got their pictures taken and the workers transformed the space for dinner.
Not only that, but I had to explain how dinner was even going to be served because it was going to be on a beach, not inside. So I had to walk them through how my entire house was at the disposal of anyone that needed it, and how we had had to call in an electrician to make sure everything was up to code for all the appliances and extension cords that would be running around.
“Thank goodness it’s a small wedding,” Noah joked after they had both left for the evening. “I think if it was any bigger you would have had to contact the electric company to get your own power grid set up.”
I looked up at him and smiled.
“Funny you should mention that. Because I actually did contact them to let them know. I didn’t want any surprises on the big day.” We both laugh and sit down on the steps of the porch. The view of the ocean from here is clear, aside from a few palm trees that’ve been here since before my grandmother even lived here.
“Thank you, by the way,” he says. “For letting me stay here. I know I just kind of showed up last week, and then again tonight. I really appreciate it. You may find me the most annoying person to ever step foot in your life, but I promise I just want the best for Teddy. I want to be a good friend.”
There it is again. The crushing weight of disappointment. He’s here for Teddy and not for me. Which I knew. I knew the moment he showed up that he was here for Teddy. I’m just a little bonus, a side dish, if you will. And yes, do I realize that me hoping he came here for me is ridiculous since I’m the one that said no feelings, no attachments, just sex?
Of course I do.
But I’m still human. I’m still the girl that was in love with him for ten years.
“Where’d you wander off to?” he asks, bringing me back to the moment. I mentally shake off the contradicting emotions and smile over at him while he pets Annie absentmindedly.
“I was just thinking about Teddy,” I tell him. “I want to make this perfect for him. He did a lot of protecting me, loving me, raising me—even when mom and dad were still alive. We’ve always been close. So doing this wedding for him feels like a way I can give him back some of what he gave me.”
“He used to never shut up about you when we were kids, you know,” Noah tells me as he leans back on his palms and smiles. “When we would go somewhere without you or you were out here visiting your grandparents and he couldn’t go…” he trails off and looks over at me. “It was all ‘Millie this’ and ‘Millie that’ while he worried if you were okay, if you were missing home, or if you were eating enough.”
“He could be overbearing sometimes,” I admit.
“It didn’t bother me,” he says as his hand finds mine and his thumb rubs the back of it. “I was pretty head over heels for you back then. So hearing about you twenty-four seven only fueled the fire.”
I look over at him and he winks. I can’t tell if he’s joking or being serious.
“Mhm,” I hum, pulling my hand away and standing up. My ass hurts too much to sit on this wood any longer. I have a feeling I’m going to have a nice bruise to show for my fall earlier. “Speaking of food. Have you eaten?”
“Nah, I had a late lunch, and then realized I was homeless and came straight here.”
“Come on, then. Let me feed Annie, and then we’ll walk down to The Steamer and have some dinner and drinks.”
* * *
“This is probablythe best food I’ve ever eaten.” Noah moans as he takes the last bite of his crab stuffed fish.
“Glad you liked it, man,” the bartender says, laughing at Noah’s moans before he clears off our plates. “Another round?”
“No thanks,” Noah answers for us both before I can speak up. I’m about to tell him to speak for himself when he gives me a look that goes straight downtown to my lady bits. “I think it’s time I take this pretty girl home. Don’t you, Tyler?”
Tyler the bartender just smirks and walks over to the computer to get our bill. To be fair, it probably is time for us to go home. Another drink and he would be carrying me home. I think I’ve had four or five now, which means I’m practically three sheets to the wind.
When Tyler brings the bill over, Noah swipes it up before I can, handing Tyler a flashy card. After a few pleasantries, we’re on our way out of the bar. But because saying I have bad luck would be an understatement, someone runs face first into Noah as he leads me out the door.
And that someone just so happens to be Brandon.
“Sorry, man,” Noah says, taking a step back but not releasing my hand as we move out of the way. I think, for a moment, maybe we’re going to get out of this situation without Brandon seeing me. Noah is tall and his shoulders are wide, so I’m hidden pretty well behind him. But once Brandon moves around us, his eyes fallrighton me.
“Millie?” he asks, confused when he sees me holding hands with Noah.
“Hey, Brandon. We were just leaving.”
At hearing the name Brandon come out of my mouth, Noah turns around and looks him over. Where Noah is all broody with his dark brown hair, dark eyes, and scruff, Brandon is all surfer boy with white-blond hair, blue eyes, and a baby face that has never seen a five o’clock shadow.
“Who the fuck is this?” Brandon asks as he takes in Noah’s form. They’re pretty well matched in height, and Brandon is in good shape from all the swimming and surfing. If he causes a scene here … fuck. I don’t want Noah to be dragged into a fight.