Page 96 of Claiming Vanessa

“You’re disgusting,” I snap at him, not sure if I’m angrier at him or myself for getting into this situation. I feel guilty, because if I hadn’t, Stef would’ve had to do all of this on her own, but…

God, I’m spoiled.

Stef gets up, cringing, and heads toward the supply closet. She takes what she needs, sniffling a little as she walks toward the bathroom—to fill the bucket, of course, not to clean it.

I have no idea what cleaning suppliesIneed, and I stare at the supply closet with dismay. The only thing I notice is that there are no gloves.

I can’t do this.

“Where are the gloves?” I ask, hoping I’ve just missed them in my perusal of the supply closet.

“Gloves?” Paul laughs at me. “You don’t need gloves. Get to work, whore.”

I cast another dark look in his direction. I’d just showered, and now the clothes Giulio gave me are going to get filthy. I almost wish I’d chosen to wear the long shirt anyway, but it’s too late now.

I grab a dingy-looking toilet brush, trying not to gag at the sight of it, and some toilet bowl cleaner. I take a deep breath before I step into the bathroom, my stomach heaving as the stench of urine and vomit meets my nostrils.

This is going to be a long, horrible morning.



Donny squeezes my shoulder before he opens the VIP room door for me. I don’t know if he’s trying to be reassuring, but knowing that Giulio and Slayer are on the other side means nothing can calm me down.

I try to keep my head up as I walk inside, but my lip trembles already.

They’re both sitting on the couch. Giulio has his arm slung over Slayer’s shoulders, but Slayer looks less amused.

“Listen, it’s all over now, right?” Giulio says. “Nobody’s even found the body yet, so…”

“Just because they haven’t found it yet doesn’t mean they won’t,” Slayer gripes. “And they’ll find out his last stop was here. Jesus, Giulio, no one was looking in this direction. I don’t even understand what tipped them off about Ntimacy, unless some asshole decided to try to get back at you.” He stops, looking up at me as I enter the room.

I shift uncomfortably by the door, smoothing at the long shirt I’ve gone back to wearing. My t-shirt and jeans got filthy from bathroom duty and aren’t dry yet from the thorough scrubbing I gave them in the shower. I’ve showered twice since then, but I still swear I can feel the muck under my fingernails. “Should I… come back?”

“Nah.” Giulio motions for me to come closer. “Slayer’s being paranoid. We’ve weathered a little hiccup like this before.”

I stop in front of them, leaving the coffee table between us. Giulio makes another hand signal, and for a second I don’t understand what he wants. He repeats the motion, staring at me, until I clue in.

I grit my teeth and twirl around for him.

“I really thought you’d keep the jeans for longer,” Giulio says, grinning. “Or did you decide you didn’t want to risk us staining them?”

“I washed them,” I say defensively, though I don’t tell themwhy. Either Giulio would get even more pissed at Paul and risk the fallout from yet another death here at Ntimacy, or he’d decide I need to do more chores every day. “I didn’t know you’d… ask for me tonight.”

Which sounds stupid. I should’ve known better, but I couldn’t exactly have worn those clothes.

Slayer snorts. “Of course one of us would have. Gotta get you knocked up, remember? Can’t be slacking on our duty, or Damien might chastise us.”

Right. Damien would probably be thrilled ifSlayerslacked.

“Yep. Although with how often we’ve been pumping into her, maybe it’s already happened.” Giulio extends his hand toward me. “Just in case, though…”

I flinch, but I step around the coffee table, letting Giulio take my hand and pull me into his lap.

“Yeah, until she’s visibly preggers, we have to keep doing our best to make sure she’s nice and ripe,” Slayer says. “Then she’ll probably get horny all the time. Don’t pregnant women get really horny?”

Giulio wraps his arms around my stomach and settles his chin over my shoulder. “Or something. Hey, this whole cop thing has me thinking…”