“No,” Saint says solemnly. “It’s way different. It’swaybetter.” He’s back to typing on his laptop. “Make sure to feed her when she wakes up.”
Whenever that’ll be. But that reminds me that I’m hungry too. There’s a tray of food on the coffee table, just a few veggies left. I take one of the tomatoes and dip it into the runny ranch dressing.
“I wouldn’t eat that,” Saint says without looking up. “Unless you want to be out like Lucia.”
I sigh and drop the tomato. “If I do, would you take advantage of me too?”
Predictably, Saint tenses up, stopping his work. “Angel…”
With Lucia passed out and my body thrumming with pent-up frustration, I’m tempted to push him more. Get him to admit he isn’t as straight as he wishes he were. But we’ve got the big event coming up, and Victor’s not going to like it if I distract Saint.
“Fine, whatever. But if I can kiss Victor and he doesn’t give a shit, I don’t know what your problem is.” I go back to Lucia and gently pick her up. She curls into me instantly, soothing some of my annoyance. She’s definitely better than Saint in that regard.
When I turn around, Saint is staring at me, flabbergasted. “You… what?”
I shrug, but don’t clarify. Let him stew on that. I leave the room without another word, ignoring Saint’s, “Angel! What does that mean?”
My room is just down the hall, and I make sure to lock the door behind me. I don’t want to be disturbed while I’m with Lucia. Of course, once I’ve got her in bed, I realize there’s nothing else I can do with her except join her for a nap. Or, more likely, sleep until morning.
That doesn’t sound too bad, actually. It’s been a long while since I spent the night with anyone, and I like the idea of Lucia cuddled up against me. I sigh and settle down next to her, pulling her into my arms, and go to sleep.
Lucia wakes up before me,but I startle awake when I feel her sit up. I yawn and tap the lamp on the nightstand, illuminating the room.
My eyes are instantly open, and I look at her.
“What…?” Her voice is a little ragged, and she looks dazed. How much of the drug did Saint give her? I know that’s his number one fantasy, but it looks like he might’ve gotten a little too enthusiastic with how much he gave her.
“Hey,” I say gently, gently touching her shoulder. She flinches hard and scrambles away from me. At least she stays on the bed, but I’m not happy by this turn of events. “Lucia…”
“What happened? Why am I so sore?” she asks, her voice a little sharper as she wakes up more. She rubs her eyes. “Did you fuck me while I was sleeping?”
I snort in amusement and prop myself up on one elbow. “Me? No, that’s not my kink.”
She stares at me for a moment. “Saint?” she asks, her voice edged with doubt—like she really thinks I’m the type to fuck a sleeping woman, but Saint would never do something like that.
“Yeah, Saint. He’s got a whole collection of sleeping pills and other fun drugs stashed away somewhere. Come on, Princess, you know I like it rough. It’s not fun if my partner can’t reciprocate.”
The doubt is replaced by growing anger—and horror. “Does he do this all the time?” she demands. “Invite women over, drug them, and fuck them while they’re out cold?”
I have to think for a few seconds, because I don’t usually pay that much attention to what Saint does in his free time. “Probably not. Victor doesn’t like us inviting too many guests, and Saint’s not much for casual hook-ups.”
Lucia closes her eyes for a moment, rubbing her face. “For fuck’s sake,” she says tersely. “And you’re just… okay with this?”
I roll my eyes and sit up properly. I grab her wrist and force her back to my side, smiling when she struggles against me. “Princess, you saw me kill a man in cold blood. Saint’s hobbies are pretty harmless in comparison.”
I watch her expression as she struggles with this information. I can practically see her weighing it out: which is worse, him taking advantage of her while she sleeps, or me actively ending a man’s life in front of her? It seems like a no-brainer to me, but I guess it’s easy to forget when you aren’t the one getting their throat slit.
Lucia goes utterly still in my lap as I remind her of just what I’m capable of. She obviously put it out of sight, out of mind, but now that I confront her with the knowledge, she’s having to think it through. She starts to try to pull away from me again.
“Oh, no you don’t,” I tell her, tightening my grasp on her. “You don’t get to freak out right now.”
“I can freak out whenever I damn well want to!” she retorts.
“Then I’ll just keep holding you until you calm down,” I say, flashing her a grin. I thrust my groin up against her, letting her feel my erection pressing against her ass. “It’s not like it’s a… hardship.”
“You’re disgusting,” she mutters, but she starts to settle down as she realizes her struggles are only exciting me.
I nuzzle her hair and palm her breasts through her shirt. “I was thinking. I still haven’t had your ass. I had such a long day, I think I deserve a reward.”