Page 41 of Bad Blood

“Which one?”

I contemplate not telling him because he looks like he might actually try to kill them for it, but a shaft of sunlight hits my eyes, causing me to wince. You know what? I don’t actually care. If they hadn’t taken me there, I wouldn’t have had to drink, and I wouldn’t be wishing for death right now.

“Ronan,” I whimper, remembering Strawberry’s name. “He said you had been overruled, and I had to go with him. Then they ambushed me.”

Paddy’s hands are clenched into fists, and when he speaks, he’s forcing his words out through gritted teeth.

“Who ambushed you?”


He blinks in surprise, the tension leaving him a bit.

“Fiona. Mellie. They did this to me. You should go and make them pay.”

He lets out a small, amused chuckle. “I don’t hurt women, lass.”

I frown at him, wrinkling my nose. “You’re a terrible mobster.”

His mouth stretches into a wide grin, showing his even white teeth. I stare at him, distracted. I’ve never seen him openly grin. I thought Paddy Flynn was gorgeous before, but I was wrong. He’s just about the best-looking man ever to exist.

“Just because you’re hungover and feeling like shite doesn’t mean you should take it out on me,” he teases me.

Ugh. Why does Paddy have to be all cute and playful the one time I can’t appreciate it? Life is so unfair.

I attempt to flip him off, but I don’t have the energy to lift my hand off the bed.

“No one forced you to drink so much.”

He’s enjoying this. The sadistic bastard.

“Yes, they did,” I moan. “They’re mean, and they made me.”

He laughs again, squinting at me. “How on earth did they manage that then?”

“Never have I ever,” I whimper. “Again and again and again. Ihatethat game.”

His eyebrows shoot up at my statement, and he grins again.

“Drinking games, huh? And clearly, if you got that drunk, you had to spill your secrets pretty hard. Maybe I should have been there. Then I would know so much more about you.”

“They were all about you,” I groan, and he blinks in surprise, the teasing grin dropping off his face, replaced by a look of confusion.

“What was all about me?” Paddy asks, looking adorably nonplussed.

“The questions, in the game. They kept making statements about you.”

His eyebrows are trying to reach his hairline now. “What kind of questions?”

My face flames bright red as I bury my face in the comforter so I don’t have to see his eyes.

“Whether I’ve come on your mouth. Whether you’ve kissed me. Whether you cuddle me.”

The silence stretches out above me, and I risk a peek. Paddy is staring at me, his mouth hanging slightly open.

“Those fucking sneaky bitches,” he breathes, looking stunned. Right?!

“That’s whatIthought.” I take a deep breath, forcing myself to sit up in bed. When I waver, Paddy’s hand shoots out to steady me. He frowns as a thought occurs to him.