“Bree?” he asks and I shake out of the fugue I’m in.
“Fuck…” I mumble, shaking off the feeling.
He smirks. “Is that an invitation?”
I swallow hard.
Don’t do it. Don’t…Bree…
I step close to him and the heat that’s between us is nuclear. It’s rolling and pulsing. Searing. Hot as hell, and that’s fitting considering his name.
I may have asked about you, too…
“When I invite a man into my bed, and not that I’m saying I am, he doesn’t have to ask. He just knows.” I turn and walk away and when I turn around and walk backwards with a smile. “Bye Hades.”
He chuckles. “Later, Bree. And next time, I won’t ask.”
My skin tingles.
“Promises…promises…” I push the door to the outside open and the cool fall air hits me, soothing my burning skin. I blow out a long breath.
Damn…now that’s what I call foreplay.
Well,that went better than I thought it would. She’s hard to read. And for a person trained to read bodily reactions and words versus actions, this woman is an anomaly and frustrating. I was supposed to make contact two weeks ago, but something about her has made me a ball of fucking nerves.
And fucking her is something I can’t do. As much as I want to. Likereallywant to. In her lax and heated eyes, I could see she was considering instigating move too.
The woman is a spitball ofI don’t give a fuckattitude, but I see through that ruse. When I touched her, she recoiled, telling me that the past relayed in the mission dossier isn’t the whole story. But what was in there told me enough to know that Bree’s got problems that she either doesn’t know about or she doesn’t want to know about. I’ve seen women try to ignore what’s happening around them, but she seems to be oblivious. As if she’s in some world that doesn’t have her ex-fiancé, a man known to run guns and drugs for the largest underground conglomerate of criminal masterminds, sending a hitman to take her out.
I’d bet that Bree knows things that he doesn’t want the FBI to know.
But we need to know.
And that’s where I come in. I’m supposed to earn her trust.
And then get her to spill all the details.
I’ve been watching from afar and what details I know are Bree will flirt with a roll of toilet paper if she thinks she can get off with it. But I haven’t seen her go to any of the Guardian’s personal bins with a Guardian since I’ve been here, even if the dossier says she’s known for being sexually adventurous.
I reach down and adjust my cock.Fuck, it’s been a while since an adventure in my life.
If I’m fighting a hard-on just from one touch of that silky, porcelain skin…
Shit, I’m in trouble.
I’m not thinking straight.
I’m making decisions that aren’t logical.
I should back down and give the assignment to someone else, but I can’t.
I’m invested.