Page 43 of Saint


I’m sitting in Church waiting on everyone to show up. We’re voting on Finn. He’s not allowed in until we decide. So he’s outside working on a car. It’s good for him to get his hands a little greasy.

“I think Doc broke my cock.” I say before taking a drag off my cigarette.

Em chokes on her frappe, and Del snickers with surprise from behind the computer.

Monroe looks at me, horrified. “How the fuck did she—nope, I don’t wanna know. I’ve seen enough bad shit happen to dicks this month to last me a lifetime.” He shudders.

Sully should be here, but with it being his little pup in the cage, we thought it best he stay out of this.

“I’m shooting fucking dust! I didn’t even wake up hard. How the fuck does that happen? Between the five times at Gio’s and then I lost count last night, I think I’m fucked out.”

Del snorts. “You better get some serious batteries. I head her tell you to come out for a late lunch. Pretty sure she’s gonna get you on an exam table and really play doctor.” Her smile turns into an all-out grin. “Medical play is super fun. All that cold metal and slippery latex.”

I really do not want to hear about my sister! “Anyone got a little blue pill I can have?” I shout out through the doors. “Ain’t no fucking way I’m getting it up without help.”

“Have her milk you. That should get you upright in no time. Works with the lamest guys. I bet you get a little tongue up your ass, and it won’t be a problem.” LaLa saunters into the room. Is he glowing? He hasn’t had any in a few months. Frankly, we were starting to worry.

I eye him closely. It had to be Tobey because I don’t take Gio as one to be into men. “If you fuck up my relationship, I will fuck up your head. Got me?”

“I did not do anything that wasn’t consensual, though I heard some shit last night that had me wondering about you.” He shakes his head. “Maybe make sure your windows are closed next time before you pound a girl in the ass till she squeals.”

“I can’t help that my ole lady couldn’t wait for me to take a shower. Pretty sure Ains is burning my bedding. It will be easier than cleaning it.”

“Moving on, I got a hot number in my bed that begged me to stay.” LaLa winks at me.

“You’re shit out of luck. We’ve got this and then Alvarez in about two hours. We’ve got to fix this shit. Therefore your hot number is gonna have to take care of himself.”

“Eh, I’m sure he’ll manage. I was rather pleasantly surprised when I popped the hood. But I’ll tell ya later.”

“Already know. Shocked you didn’t, but let’s get this shit over. Roe, you want to call the rest of the pricks in here?”

He wolf whistles. “Hey, you pricks, let’s get this shit over with!”

“I could have done that bullshit.” I shake my head as the room starts filling and everyone takes their seats. Sully shuts the door before taking his seat. I smack the gavel on the table. “Let’s call this to order. It’s been a rough couple of months, but I think we’ve handled it okay. Let’s go through the numbers, Delia. How many patchovers have we had?”

“We’ve lost sixty and grained forty-five. Some were rather shitty about it too.” Delia snipes. “Ungrateful cock—” Sully covers her mouth. Good thing cause I may have smacked the shit out of her if he hadn’t.

“Have we been recruiting? I know we have a few hang-arounds and some prospects we need to look at.”

Em clears her throat, and I snap my head in her direction. “Saint, we all know we’re here cause you found out about the kid. So let’s stop pussyfooting around it. You wanna jump him from hangaround to patch, right? Lock him and his mouth down.”

Murmurs from the other members start. I hear a remark or two about kiss asses and line jumping.

“If you’ve got something to say, use your nuts and say it.” I raise my voice since apparently, we’re a bunch of fucking pussies now.

Sid stands. He’s one of the older guys, used to hang around my pops a lot. He’s usually pretty chill, but his face is beet red right now. “You’re gonna patch a halfbreed whop over my Glen, who’s been a Prospect for two years? He does all your grunt work, and you hardly ever talk to him. What’s so special about this damned kid that makes you Westmoreland’s stroke him?” He scoffs, “First Calan and now you—what gives Saint?”

“I’m cleaning up a mess Calan made. That’s what the fuck gives. I’ll be going through all the Prospects myself. I know Glen has been patiently waiting. As for my grunt work? He’s been taking my shifts in the garage because I met my two-year-old that I didn’t know I fucking had for the first time.” I’m getting heated, and I know he can see it from the way he’s back-peddling.

“Look, I get it, but it don’t make it right. I mean, shit’s been all messed up for a while. I hardly recognize us anymore.”

“Yeah, brother, you’ve been distracted, and it ain’t just the kid.” Darragh, Calen’s previous Secretary, who I replaced with Del, stands up. He’s been fairly scarce since Calen’s-oceanic reassignment. “We love that little tyke, but the broad has us irked. Ever since you got on—”

“You need to back off,” LaLa speaks up. “The doc saved Bree. She’s got all the rights of any Ole Lady, especially since Saint put his grandmother’s ring on her finger.”

Darragh starts stuttering. “I—I meant no disrespect.”